Bahram Khoobehi, Ph.D.
Bahram Khoobehi, Ph.D.
Professor of Ophthalmology
Director of Applied Physics
Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center
New Orleans
Adjunct Associate Professor
Biomedical Engineering
Tulane University School of Engineering
New Orleans
Professor of Ophthalmology
Director of Applied Physics
Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center
New Orleans
Adjunct Associate Professor
Biomedical Engineering
Tulane University School of Engineering
New Orleans
LSU Eye Center
533 Bolivar Street/CSRB 459
New Orleans, LA 70112
Email: bkhoob@lsuhsc.edu
B.S. degree, 1975, Physics
National University of Iran
Tehran, Iran
M.S. degree, 1978, Physics
University of Texas
Ph.D., 1982, Physics
North Texas State University
Research Interests
Optics, imaging, and physiological markers
Development of a practical system for evaluation of oxygen saturation in the retina and optic nerve head using hyperspectral imaging, for eventual clinical application in the early diagnosis and monitoring of ocular vascular diseases in which the associated hypoxia could lead to loss of vision, including glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, and age-related macular degeneration
Teaching Activities
Biomedical Engineering
Tulane University
Committees & Administrative Responsibilities
Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC)
Selected Publications
Bahram Khoobehi, Kim Firn, Ellie Rodebeck, Spencer Hay: A new snapshot hyperspectral imaging system to image optic nerve head tissue. Acta Ophthalmologica 92: 241, Dec 2013.
Khoobehi B, Firn K, Thompson H, Reinoso M, Beach J: Retinal arterial and venous oxygen saturation is altered in diabetic patients. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2013 54(10):7103-7106, Oct 2013.
Khoobehi B, Beach J, Kawano H: Hyperspectral imaging for measurement of oxygen saturation in the optic nerve head. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 45:1464-1472, 2004. PM:15111603
Khoobehi B, Beach J, Kawano H, Lanoue M, Chander D: Noninvasive measurement of oxygen saturation in optic nerve head tissue. In Optical Diagnostics and Sensing IV, GL Coté, AV Priezzhev, eds, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 5325 (SPIE, Bellingham, WA, 2004) pp. 104-110.
Narasimha-Iyer H, Beach JM, Khoobehi B, Ning J, Kawano H, Roysam B.Algorithms for automated oximetry along the retinal vascular tree from dual-wavelength fundus images. J Biomed Opt 10:054013, 2005. PM:16292973
Beach J, Ning J, Khoobehi B. Oxygen saturation in optic nerve head structures by hyperspectral image analysis. Curr Eye Res 32:161-70, 2007. PM:17364749
Narasimha-Iyer H, Beach JM, Khoobehi B, Roysam B. Automatic identification of retinal arteries and veins from dual-wavelength images using structural and functional features. IEEE Trans Biomed Eng 54:1427-35, 2007. PM:17694863
Khoobehi B, Ning J. Puissegur E, Bordeaux K, Balasubramanian M, Beach J. Retinal oxygen saturation evaluation by multi-spectral fundus imaging. Proceedings of the SPIE, vol 5611 (SPIE, Bellingham, WA, 2007).
Cao H, Khoobehi B, Iyengar SS. Automated optic nerve head image fusion of nonhuman primate eyes using heuristic optimization algorithm. 5th IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (CIBCB 2008); Sun Valley, Idaho, September 15-17, 2008.
Khoobehi B. Oxygen saturation mapping of the optic nerve head by hyperspectral image analysis: effects of raising IOP. In: Optical Diagnostics and Sensing IV. Cote GL, Priezzhev, eds. Proceedings of SPIE vol 5330 (SPIE, Bellingham, WA, 2009).
Khoobehi B. A simple model of oxygen diffusion out of the retinal artery. In: Optical Diagnostics and Sensivng IV. Cote GL, Priezzhev, eds. Proceedings of SPIE vol 5330 (SPIE, Bellingham, WA, 2009).
Cao H, Khoobehi B. Angiogram, fundus, and oxygen saturation optic nerve head fusion. In: Imaging, Manipulation, and Analysis of Biomolecules, Cells, and Tissues. VII Proceedings of the SPIE Jan 24-29, 2009, San Jose, CA, vol 7182:1605-13.
Cao H, Khoobehi B. Comparative evaluation of feature extraction and fusion of the angiogram, fundus, and oxygen saturation optic nerve head images. SPIE 2009 BiOS Biomedical Optics Symposium; 24-29 January 2009; San Jose, CA.
Khoobehi B, Beach JM. Hyperspectral image analysis for oxygen saturation automated localization of the eye. In: Computational Analysis of the Human Eye with Applications. World Scientific Press, Singapore, pp 123-185, 2010.
Cao H, Brener N, Khoobehi B, Iyengar SS. High performance adaptive fidelity algorithms for multi-modality optic nerve head image fusion. J. Signal Processing Systems epub DOI:10-1007/s11265-101-0496-3.
Cao H, Lu D, Khoobehi B. Software engineering design for diabetes mellitus study through retinopathy and gene analysis. In: Biomedical Engineering, In: Tech Open Access Publisher, 2011.
Khoobehi B, Chiroli V, Ronchetti D, Miglietta D, Thompson H, Ongini E, Impagnatiello F. Enhanced oxygen saturation in optic nerve head of non-human primate eyes following the intravitreal injection of NCX 434, an innovative nitric oxide-donating glucocorticoid. J Ocul Pharmacol Ther 27:115-21, 2011.