School of Medicine

Neuroscience Center of Excellence


 2013 12:53:55 PM

Jennifer Lentz, Ph.D.

Research Assistant Professor
Department of Otorhinolaryngology and Biocommunications
and member of the Neuroscience Center of Excellence, LSUHSC

2020 Gravier Street, 8th Floor
New Orleans, LA 70112

(504) 568-6150



BA, Biology and Chemistry, May 1992, Monmouth College, Monmouth, Illinois

PhD, Genetics, May, 2007, Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center, Louisiana


Academic, Professional, and Research Appointments:

1992-1993       Technician, Abbott Laboratories, Abbott Park, IL

                          1993-1995       Research Technician, Mosier Lab, The Scripps Research Institute, San Diego, CA

1996-1997       Technician, Quidel Corporation, San Diego, CA

1997-2001       Research and Development Chemist, Prometheus Laboratories, Inc., San Diego, CA

2001-2002       Research Associate III, Elizabeth Mannick MD, Department of Pediatrics, LSUHSC

2002-2007       Research Associate III and PhD Student, Bronya Keats PhD (mentor),
                      Department of Genetics, LSUHSC

2007-2008       Postdoctoral Researcher, Bronya Keats PhD (mentor), Department of Genetics, LSUHSC

                          2008-2011       Postdoctoral Researcher, Nicolas Bazan MD,PhD (mentor),  Neuroscience Center, LSUHSC

                          2012-present   Research Assistant Professor, Department of Otorhinolaryngology and Biocommunications,
                                                and member of the Neuroscience Center of Excellence, LSUHSC


Press Coverage:

2013 2:40:02 PM
Dr. Hamilton Farris, Mette Flatt, Dr. William Gordon,
Dr. Jennifer Lentz and the mouse and Dr. Nicolas Bazan (the research team)

Local medical research team makes breakthrough in curing deafness Meg Farris,, February, 4 2013.
link to page

Genetic Patch 'stops deafness' in newborn mice.  J. Gallagher, BBC News Health, February 4, 2013.

Researchers Develop Rx for Deafness, Impaired Balance in Mouse Model of Usher syndrome.  Provided by LSUHSC to Science Daily via EurekaAlert!, February 4, 2013.

Scientists Prevent Development of Deafness in Animals Engineered to have Usher Syndrome. Provided by RFUMC to Science Daily via EurekaAlert!, February 4, 2013.

Researchers Devolop Rx fro Deafness, Impaired Balance in Mouse Model of Usher Syndrome. Provided by LSUHSC, Science Newsline Medicine & Health Care. February 4, 2013.

Gene Therapy in mice gives hope to the deaf. A France-Presse, The Raw Story, February 4, 2013.

Partial fix for Usher syndrome found in mice. The Associated Press, USA Today, February, 9, 2013.

Molecular therapy: Deafness Diverted. Nature Publishing Group, February 13, 2013.

LSU Health Sciences Center Discovers Breakthrough Therapy to Cure Deafness. J Ballard, Silicon Bayou News, February 19, 2013



Membership in Professional Organizations

The Association for Research in Otolaryngology
The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology
Society for Neuroscience
Association for Women in Science


Awards and Honors:

Outstanding Poster, Graduate Student, Department of Pediatrics Research Day, 2002
Outstanding Research Contributions, Young Faculty Award, LSU Neuroscience Center of Excellence, December 2012






Course/Clerkship/Residency or Fellowship/CME Directorships
Ear Histology Lecture, Cell Biology and Microanatomy Course, First year medical students, 2 Lectures, Fall 2013

Departmental/Interdisciplinary Teaching Conferences:LSU ENT Didactic Day January, 2013
Title of Seminar: Rescue of Hearing and Vestibular Function in an animal model of Usher syndrome

Neuroscience Center of Excellence Seminar Series March, 2013
Title of Seminar: Rescue of Hearing and Vestibular Function in an animal model of Usher syndrome

Undergraduate, Medical, or Graduate Students Trained:
Research Advisor:
Charles Varnishung, Undergraduate student, Tulane University, Summer Undergraduate in Neuroscience Program, 2010
Jakobi Owens, Xavier Prep High School Graduate, Summer Undergraduate in Neuroscience Program, 2010
Jaime Winfield, Undergraduate student, UCLA, Summer Undergraduate in Neuroscience Program, 2010
Matthew Spalitta, Undergraduate student, Tulane University, Summer Undergraduate in Neuroscience Program, 2011
Hai Tran, Undergraduate Student, Xavier University, Summer Undergraduate in Neurosceince Program and student worker, 2011-2012
Juliana M. Carriere, Doctoral Audiology Student, SPTHAUD 7233-Research Laboratory Experience, LSUHSC School of Audiology, Spring, 2013
Hung T. Mai, Doctoral Audiology Student, SPTHAUD 7233-Research Laboratory Experience, LSUHSC School of Audiology, Spring, 2013




Scientific Presentations:

Invited Presentations and Seminars:
Local:Acadian Usher syndrome. Invited speaker, Eye on Jacob Foundation Fund-raiser, September 2013, Broussard, Louisiana, USA.

National:Correction of deafness and vestibular function in a mouse model of Usher syndrome. Podium presentation, The Association for Research in Otolaryngology, February, 2012, San Diego, California, USA.

International:Usher syndrome type 1C: Mechanisms, Animal Models and the hunt for a Cure. Invited speaker, Coalition for Usher syndrome Research Conference Call, November, 2012.
Rescue of Deafness and Vestibular Function in a mouse model of human Usher syndrome.  Invited Speaker, Genomic Disorders 2013, April, 2013, Cambridge, London, United Kingdom.


Visiting professorships or seminars
Rescue of deafness and vestibular function in a mouse model of human deafness. Invited seminar speaker, Molecular Biology of the Inner Ear Seminar, Mass Eye and Ear Infirmary and Harvard Medical School, June 13, 2013, Boston, Massachusetts.

Rescue of deafness and vestibular function in a mouse model of human deafness. Invited seminar speaker, UCL Ear Institute, April, 2013, University College London, London, United Kingdom.






Community Service Activities:
Association for Women in Science, South-Louisiana Chapter
Mission statement committee, Chair, January 2010-2011
Website committee, Chair, January 2011 - present


Isidore Newman
Saturday in the Garden, Volunteer to teach pre-K and K the science of gardening, October, 2012
Guest reader in pre-K classroom, September, January and March 2013





Journal Publications:

H.R. Rosen, J.J. Lentz, S.L. Rose, J. Rabkin, C.L. Corless, K. Taylor and L. Chou.  “Donor Polymorphism of Tumor Necrosis Factor Gene: Relationship with Variable Severity of Hepatitis C Recurrence Following Liver Transplantation.” Transplantation, December, 1999, 68(12):1898-902.

Rosen HR, McHutchison JG, Conrad AJ, Lentz JJ, Marousek G, Rose SL, Zaman A, Taylor K, Chou S.  “Tumor necrosis factor genetic polymorphisms and response to antiviral therapy in patients with chronic hepatitis C. American Journal of Gastroenterology, March, 2002, 97(3): 714-20.

Mannick EE, Schurr JR, Zapata A, Lentz JJ, Gastanaduy M, Cote RL, Delgado A, Correa P, Correa H.  Gene expression in gastric biopsies from patients infected with Helicobacter pylori. Scand J Gastroenterol. 2004 Dec;39(12):1192-200.

Mannick EE, Bonomolo JC, Horswell R, Lentz JJ, Serrano MS, Zapata-Velandia A, Gastanaduy M, Himel JL, Rose SL, Udall JN Jr, Hornick CA, Liu Z.  Gene expression in mononuclear cells from patients with inflammatory bowel disease. Clin Immunol. 2004 Sep;112(3):247-57.

Zapata-Velandia A, Ng SS, Brennan RF, Simonsen NR, Gastanaduy M, Zabaleta J, Lentz JJ, Craver RD, Correa H, Delgado A, Pitts AL, Himel JR, Udall JN Jr, Schmidt-Sommerfeld E, Brown RF, Athas GB, Keats BB, Mannick EE.  Association of the T Allele of an Intronic Single Nucleotide Polymorphism in the colony stimulating factor 1 receptor with Crohn's disease: a case-control studyJ Immune Based Ther Vaccines. 2004 May;14;2(1):6.

Mannick EE, Cote RL, Schurr JR, Krowicka HS, Sloop GD, Zapata-Velandia A, Correa H, Ruiz B, Horswell R, Lentz JJ, Byrne P, Gastanaduy MM, Hornick CA, Liu Z.  Altered phenotype of dextran sulfate sodium colitis in interferon regulatory factor-1 knock-out mice. J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2005 Mar;20(3):371-80.

Lentz J, Savas S, Ng SS, Athas G, Deininger P, Keats B.  The USH1C 216G-->A splice-site mutation results in a 35-base-pair deletion. Hum Genet. 2005 Feb;116(3):225-7.

Lentz J, Pan F, Ng SS, Deininger P, Keats B.  Ush1c216A knock-in mouse survives Katrina. Mutat Res. 2007 Mar 1;616(1-2):139-44.

Lentz JJ, Gordon WC, Farris HE, MacDonald GH, Cunningham DE, Robbins CA, Tempel B, Bazan NG, Rubel EW, Oesterle EC, Keats BJ.  Deafness and Retinal Degeneration in the Novel USH1C Knock-in Mouse ModelDev Neuro. 2010 Mar;70(4):253-67.

Phillips JB, Blanco B, Lentz JJ, Tallafuss A, Khanobdee K, Sampath S, Jacobs ZG, Han PF, Mishra M, Titus TA, Williams DS, Keats BJ, Washbourne P, Westerfield M.  Harmonin (Ush1c) is required in zebrafish Muller glial cells for photoreceptor synaptic development and function. Dis Model Mech. 2011 Nov 4(6):786-800.

Lentz JJ,  Hinrich AJ, Jodelka FM, McCaffrey K, Farris HE, Bazan NG, Rigo F, Duelli DM, Hastings ML.  Rescue of hearing and vestibular function in a mouse model of human deafness.  Nat Med. 2013 Mar; 19(3):345-50.

Lentz J, Jodelka FM, Hinrick AJ, McCaffrey KE, Farris HE, Spalitta MJ, Bazan NG, Duelli DM, Rigo F, Hastings ML; Rescue of hearing and vestibular function by antisense oligonucleotides in a mouse model of human deafness; Nature Medicine Advance Published Online February 2013 1-8.


Published Abstracts:

M.R. Cruz, E.A. Torres, S. Rose, J. Lentz, R. de Jesus, H. Acosta, J.T. Tomasini.  Seroprevalence of Helicobacter pylori Antibodies in Puerto Rican Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A Pilot Case-Control Study.  American College of Gastroenterology, 63rd Annual Scientific Meeting, October, 1998, Boston, MA.

H.R. Rosen, J.G. McHutchison, F. Chisari, J.J. Lentz, S.L. Rose, K. Taylor, S. Chou.  Relationship between Genetic Polymorphisms of Tumor Necrosis Factor Locus and Response to Therapy in Patients with Chronic Hepatitis C.  American Association for the Study of Liver Disease, October, 1999, Dallas, Texas.

J. Lentz, M. Barry, S. Rose.  Do IBD patients Show the Same Tri-Modal Distribution for TPMT Enzyme as Reported in Various Ethnic Populations?  American College of Gastroenterology, October, 2000, New York, New York.

J. Lentz, J. Cunningham, M. Winland, W. Witmer, V. Sarkissian, S. Rose.  Performance Evaluation of a Thiopurine Methyltransferase (TPMT) Enzyme Activity Assay by Reversed-Phase HPLC.  American College of Gastroenterology, October, 2000, New York, New York.

E.E. Mannick, M.-S. Serrano, J. Lentz, S. Rose, J.C. Bonomolo, M. Lau, J.N. Udall, Z. Liu.  Detection of Possible Inflammatory Bowel Disease-related Genes Using Microarray Analysis. American Gastroenterology Association Digestive Disease Week, May 21, 2001, Atlanta, Georgia.

Lentz, J; Athas, G; Savas, S; Deininger, P; Keats, B.  The USH1C 216G→A cryptic splice site mutation results in a 35 base pair deletion.  American Society of Human Genetics, October, 2004, Toronto, Canada.

J Lentz, F Pan, S Ng, P Deininger, B Keats. Knock-in mouse model of Usher type IC.  American Society of Human Genetics, October, 2006, New Orleans, LA.

J Lentz, J Phillips, K Owens, W Gordon, H Farris, F Pan, S Ng, P Deininger, N Bazan, E Rubel, D Raible, M Westerfield, B Keats.  A knock-in mouse model of Usher type IC.  The First International Symposium on Usher Syndrome, September, 2006, Omaha, NE.

J Lentz, J Phillips, K Owens, W Gordon, H Farris, F Pan, S Ng, P Deininger, N Bazan, E Rubel, D Raible, M Westerfield, B Keats.  A knock-in mouse model of Usher type IC.  The Winter Conference on Brain Research, January, 2007, Snowmass, CO.

J Lentz, WC Gordon, H Farris, P Deininger, NG Bazan, B Keats.  Animal models of Usher type IC.  The Association for Research in Vision and Opthalmology, May, 2007, Ft. Lauderdale, FL.

J.B. Phillips, J.J.Lentz, A Tallafuss, Z Jacobs, K. Owens, K. Kanobdee, S. Sampath, B.J. Keats, D. Raible, D.S. Williams, P.O'Day, P. Washbourne, M. Westerfield.  Zebrafish harmonin expression in Müller cells is required for synaptic function.  The Association for Research in Vision and Opthalmology, May, 2009, Ft. Lauderdale, FL.

JJ Lentz, W Gordon, H Farris, G MacDonald, D Cunningham, C Robbins, B Tempel, E Rubel, E Oesterle, B Keats, N Bazan.  Combined Retinal Degeneration and Deafness in the Ush1c216AA knock-in mouse.  The Association for Research in Vision and Opthalmology, May, 2009, Ft. Lauderdale, FL.

KE McCaffrey, AJ Hinrich, FM Jodelka, JJ Lentz, NG Bazan, F Rigo, F Bennett, ML Hastings.  Blocking Cryptic Splicing in Usher syndrome using antisense oligonucleotides.  The Association for Research in Vision and Opthalmology, May, 2011, Ft. Lauderdale, FL.

HE Farris, JJ Lentz, C Varnishung, WC Gordon, NG Bazan.  Ush1c216AA knock-in mice have slow photoreceptor adaptation.  The Association for Research in Vision and Opthalmology, May, 2011, Ft. Lauderdale, FL.

JJ Lentz, FM Jodelka,WC Gordon, ML Hastings, NG Bazan.  The Ush1c.216G>A splice site mutation results in the accumulation of harmonin in the retina.  The Association for Research in Vision and Opthalmology, May, 2011, Ft. Lauderdale, FL.

JJ Lentz,  AJ Hinrich, FM Jodelka, K McCaffrey, HE Farris, NG Bazan, F Rigo, DM Duelli, ML Hastings.  Correction of deafness and vestibular function in a mouse model of Usher syndrome.  The Association for Research in Otolaryngology, February, 2012, San Diego, CA.

JJ Lentz, FM Jodelka, AJ Hinrich, K McCaffrey, HE Farris, NG Bazan, DM Duelli, F Rigo, ML Hastings.  Correction of cryptic splicing in Usher syndrome using antisense oligonucleotides.  The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, May, 2012, Ft. Lauderdale, FL.

Hastings, JJ Lentz, FM Jodelka, AJ Hinrich, K McCaffrey, HE Farris, NG Bazan, DM Duelli, F Rigo, MJ Spalitta. Rescue of hearing and vestibular function in deaf mice using antisense oligonucleotides that block a cryptic splice site.  Society for Neuroscience, October, 2012, New Orleans, La.

C Askew, Y Asai, JJ Lentz, G Geleoc. Mechanotransduction Defects in Sensory Hair Cells of USH1C Knock-in Mice. The Association for Research in Otolaryngology, February, 2013, Baltimore, Md.

JJ Lentz, Hastings, FM Jodelka, AJ Hinrich, K McCaffrey, HE Farris, NG Bazan, DM Duelli, F Rigo, MJ Spalitta. Rescue of hearing and vestibular function in a mouse model of Usher syndrome: SEM and immunohistochemical analysis. The Association for Research in Otolaryngology, February, 2013, Baltimore, Md.

JJ Lentz, M Flaat, FM Jodelka, AJ Hinrich, KE McCaffery, NG Bazan, DM Duelli, F Rigo, ML Hastings. ASOs effectively target Ush1c mutations in mice.  (abstract accepted) The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, May, 2013, Seattle, Wa.




Grants and Contracts:

Start-up Support

LSU Dean's Office, ENT and Neuroscience Center               2/2012 - 2/2015


P30 GM103340 (PI: Bazan)
NIH/NIGMS                                11/12/2012 - 5/30/2013            $50,000 Direct
Role: Pilot Project PI
Percent Effort: 10 (unpaid)
Title: Antisense Oligonucleotides as a novel therapeutic for Usher syndrome

1R01DC012596-01A1 (PI: Hastings)
NIH/NIDCD                                2/02/2013-2/02-2017                $249,900/year Total Direct
Role: Co-Investigator 
Percent Effort: 30
Title: Correction of Hearing and Vestibular defects in a Mouse Model for Deafness


FFB Early Translational Research Award Program FY13 (PI: Lentz)
Foundation Fighting Blindness          4/2013 - 4/2016            $300,000/year Total Direct
Role: PI
Percent Effort: 20
Title: An Antisense-Oligonucleotide Treatment for Retinitis Pigmentosa in Usher syndrome