School of Medicine

Neuroscience Center of Excellence

Seminars and Lectures 2020

In Pursuit of Wild Eicosanoids


Kirk Maxey, MD
Founder, President and CEO

Cayman Chemical Company,
Ann Arbor, MI
The Cayman Biotechnology conglomerate includes:
Matreya and Sapphire, North America
Biomol and Cayman Europe, Germany and Estonia,
Sapphire Bioscience, Australia.
General Manager,
Cayman Pharma,
Neratovice, Czech Republic
Managing Member
Maxey Cosmetics LLC
Chairman of the Board
Cayman Biomedical
Research Institute
and C.A.Maxey Appaloosa
Heritage Foundation

Monday, February 24, 2020, 12:00 p.m.

8th Floor Neuroscience Center of Excellence Conference Room
more info:

Maxey for web 2020
Dr. Nelson, Dr. Bazan, Dr. Maxey and Dr. Hollier presenting the award


Dean's Award Lecture in Neuroscience

Organic Synthesis of Bioactive Compounds and Collaboration with Biologists


Yuichi Kobayashi, PhD
Emeritus professor of Tokyo Institute of Technology; Meiji University, Organization for
the Strategic Coordination of Research and Intellectual Properties; Kawasaki,
Kanagawa, Japan

Thursday, February 20, 2020, 12:00 pm

8th Floor Neuroscience Center of Excellence Conference Room
more info:

Dr. Song Hong with Dr. Kobayashi and Dr. Bazan presenting the plaque

Dr. Song Hong with Dr. Kobayashi and Dr. Bazan presenting the plaque




GNOSFN header
2017 Greater New Orleans Society for Neuroscience and
LSUHSC Neuroscience Center of Excellence


October 27, 2017
11:30 am to 5:00 pm

8th Floor Large Conference Room
2020 Gravier Street, New Orleans, LA 70112

For more information please contact Monica Montalvo at


A Celebration of Regeneration and Renewal
Portrait Unveiling

December 14, 2016
2:00 to 5:00 p.m.

8th Floor Large Conference Room
2020 Gravier Street, New Orleans, LA 70112


LSUHSC Alcohol and Drug Abuse Center of Excellence Retreat at the
Neuroscience Center of Excellence
May 22, 2015


Life is Why, American Heart Association visits
the Neuroscience Center of Excellence at LSU Health New Orleans
American Heart Association visits the Neuroscience Center of Excellence at LSU Health New Orleans


CoBRE External Advisory Committee Visit to
The Neuroscience Center of Excellence - January 24th, 2014


 CoBRE External Advisory Committee Visit to The Neuroscience Center of Excellence - January 24th, 2014

Kurt Varner Ph.D., Michael Stryker, Ph.D. (University of California San Francisco),
Scott Brady, Ph.D. (University of Illinois at Chicago),
Colin Barnstable, Ph.D. (Penn State College of Medicine),
Nicolas G. Bazan M.D. Ph.D.,  Joseph M. Moerschbaecher, III, Ph.D.,
Robert Murphy, Ph.D. (University of Colorado Denver)
and Stuart Lipton, M.D., Ph.D. (Sanford/Burnham Medical Research Institute)

RRL_0213 Rdg

Front row: Pranab Mukherjee Ph.D., Xiaolian Tian, Ph.D., Chunlai Wu Ph.D., Song Hong Ph.D.,
Jennifer Lentz Ph.D., Haydee E.P. Bazan Ph.D., Sonia Gasparini Ph.D., Ludmila Belayev M.D.,
Carmen Canavier, Ph.D.

Second row: William C. Gordon Ph.D., Kurt Varner Ph.D., Michael Stryker, Ph.D. (University of California San Francisco),
Colin Barnstable, Ph.D. (Penn State College of Medicine), Nicolas G. Bazan M.D. Ph.D.,
Joseph M. Moerschbaecher, III, Ph.D.,  Stuart Lipton, M.D., Ph.D. (Sanford/Burnham Medical Research Institute),
Brenda Chiappinelli, Hamilton Farris Ph.D.

Back row: Janet L. Rossi Ph.D., Walter J. Lukiw, M.S. Ph.D., Scott Brady, Ph.D. (University of Illinois at Chicago),
Robert Murphy, Ph.D. (University of Colorado Denver),  Jeffrey D. Erickson Ph.D., and Ruben Tikidzhi-Khamburyan



Paul Varisco, Team Gleason Executive Director, Visits LSU Neuroscience Center

Paul Varisco, Team Gleason Executive Director,
Visits LSU Neuroscience Center


Paul Varisco, Executive Director of Team Gleason, visited the Neuroscience Center of Excellence,
Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center, New Orleans. Team Gleason is a foundation
established by former New Orleans Saints player, Steve Gleason, to raise public awareness and
support for research and treatment of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and other neuromuscular
diseases. While here, Mr. Varisco met with the Director of the Neuroscience Center, Dr. Nicolas G. Bazan,
and visiting guest, Professor Dr. Pierluigi Nicotera, to discuss contemporary translational research on ALS.


  Dr. Pierluigi Nicotera Delivers Chancellor's Award Lecture, Signs Collaboration with LSU Neuroscience Center

Dr. Pierluigi Nicotera Delivers Chancellor's Award Lecture,
Signs Collaboration with LSU Neuroscience Center


Dr. Pierluigi Nicotera delivered the Chancellor's Award Lecture May 24, 2013,
at the Neuroscience Center of Excellence, Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center, New Orleans.

2013 2:48:08 PM

Dr. Joseph Moerschbaecher III, LSUHSC Vice-Chancellor of Academic Affairs and Dean of the School of Graduate Studies, presented Dr. Nicotera the award for his outstanding contributions to the understanding of cell survival signaling in Alzheimer's disease and other neurodegenerative diseases, and in recognition of his leadership in the establishment of the German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE) in Bonn, Germany. Dr. Nicotera is the Scientific Director and Chairman of the Executive Board within the Helmholtz Association of the DZNE.


During his visit, Dr. Nicotera, along with Drs. Moerschbaecher and Bazan, signed
an agreement to establish a Collaborative Postdoctoral Training Program on Diseases
of the Nervous System between LSUHSC and the DZNE, with a particular focus on
Alzheimer's disease. The agreement took effect May 24, 2013.



10th Annual Fatty Acids in Cell Signaling (FACS) Meeting
Docosahexaenoic Acid in Translational Medicine





21st Annual Neuroscience Center of Excellence Retreat
Keynote Speaker and Chancellor's Award Lecture
Thomas J. Carew, Ph.D.


Bren Professor
Chair, Department of Neurobiology and Behavior
University of California, Irvine; Irvine, CA

How Time Flies: The Molecular Architecture of Memory

Flyer with Abstract



20th Annual Neuroscience Retreat


Saturday, May 10th from 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM

Keynote and Chancellor's Award Lecturer

Dr. Susumu Tonegawa


Nobel Laureate in Physiology or Medicine 1987
Director, The Picower Institute for Learning and Memory,
The RIKEN-MIT Center for Neuroscience, The Howard Hughes Medical Institute,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology


“Roles of the Individual Hippocampal Circuits in Episodic and Spatial Memory”



19th Annual Neuroscience Retreat


Viability, compensation, and homeostasis in rhythmic motor networks

Keynote and Award Lecturer

Dr. Eve Marder


Victor and Gwendolyn Beinfield Professor of Neuroscience
Volen Center and Biology Department
Brandeis University
Waltham, Massachusetts

The Kline Festschrift Symposium on “Nerve”


Symposium Website



18 th Annual Neuroscience Center of Excellence 2006 Retreat
Keynote Speaker and Chancellor's Award Lecturer in Neuroscience


"Rett Syndrome and MeCP2: Gateway to Neuropsychiatric Disorders"

Huda Y. Zoghbi, M.D.


Professor of Molecular and Human Genetics, Pediatrics, Neurology, and Neuroscience:
Investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute:
Member of the National Academy of Sciences;
Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX

A Celebration of Regeneration and Renewal Portrait Unveiling


Celebration Brochure





Members of the Greater New Orleans Society for Neuroscience Chapter are invited to submit abstracts and participate.

“The vnd/NK-2 Homeobox Gene and The Initial Strategy for the Assembly of Part of the Embryonic Nervous System of Drosophila"

Dr. Marshall W. Nirenberg


Chief of Laboratory of Biochemical Genetics
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute
National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland
Nobel Laureate in Physiology or Medicine 1968
“ for Deciphering the Genetic Code” (shared with Gobind Khorana & Robert Holley)

View Poster



The 16th Annual Neuroscience Center of Excellence Retreat

"Brain Waves and Immune Genes in the Brain Wiring"

Grass Lecturer, Keynote Speaker and Chancellor's Award Lecturer in Neuroscience


Carla J. Shatz, PhD


Nathan Marsh Pusey Professor and Chair, Department of Neurobiology,
Harvard Medical School, Member of the National Academy of Sciences



October 2nd

36th Annual Meeting of the Society for Leukocyte Biology Keynote Lecture


“The leukocyte/brain relationship: synaptic lipid signaling and neuroprotection”

Nicolas G. Bazan, MD, PhD


Director, LSU Neuroscience Center of Excellence
Philadelphia, PA



Sir John Vane's visit to the Neuroscience Center of Excellence in 2002


Link to Community Speech

Link to PM Lecture

Link to pptx with pics

Minisymposium on Cell Signaling

14th Annual LSU Neuroscience Center of Excellence Retreat
Future of Neuroscience: Applications of Knowledge


"How Proteins Speak with One Another in Cell Signaling"

Edmond H. Fischer, Ph.D.


Nobel Laureate in Physiology or Medicine, 1992
University of Washington, Seattle, WA


Workshop: Retinal Degeneration and Repair
Twentieth Anniversary of the Ernest C. and Yvette C. Villere Chair for the Study of Retinal Degeneration


"Night-Blindness and the State of Rod Photoreceptors in Retinitis Pigmentosa Rhodopsin Mutations"

Paul Sieving, M.D., Ph.D.


Director, National Eye Institute, Bethesda MD



Workshops with the National Institutes of Aging


13th Annual LSU Neuroscience Center of Excellence Retreat


Keynote Lecturer: Rodolfo R. Llinás, M.D., Ph.D.


Thomas & Suzanne Murphy Professor of Neuroscience, Professor & Chairman,
Dept. of Physiology and Neuroscience, New York University Medical Center, New York, NY
Member, National Academy of Sciences, USA (1986-), and
of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences (1996)

"Can the Study of Neurons Address Normal and Abnormal Brain Functions?"



12th Annual LSU Neuroscience Center of Excellence Retreat
Keynote and Dean's Award Lecturer: Dr. Gerald D. Fischbach, M.D.


Director of the National Institute for Neurological Disorders and Stroke, NIH

"Trophic Factors of Developing Synapses"

LSU Neuroscience Center of Excellence's 10th Anniversary Gala Dinner


Brain Awareness Week


"Learning Disabilities and Dyslexia" in April

"Brain Attacks and Brain Injury" in May

Society for Neuroscience Meeting in New Orleans



The Fourth International Workshop on Maturation Phenomenon in Cerebral Ischemia-
Apoptosis and/or Necrosis, Neuronal Recovery vs. Death, and Protection for Infarction


11th Annual LSU Neuroscience Center of Excellence Retreat
Keynote and Dean's Award Lecturer: Dr. Donald Price


"Neurodegenerative Diseases: Lessons from Transgenic Models"

Brain Awareness Week


"Brain Attack and Brain Injury"

Inside of Brochure, poster scan

13th Annual American Society for Neurochemistry Meeting




Asthma: Clinical and Research Perspectives


10th Annual LSU Neuroscience Center of Excellence Retreat
Keynote and Dean's Award Lecturer: Dr. Giora Feuerstein


Group Director, Cardiovsacular Pharmacology World Wide
SmithKline Beecham Pharmaceuticals
King of Prussia, PA

"Genomic Reformatting in Brain Injury: New Mechanistic Paradigms and Novel Targets for Therapeutics"

Brain Awareness Week

Sixth International Congress on Platelet-Activating Factor and Related Lipid Mediators


Neuroscience Center of Excellence Opening of New Research Laboratories



9th Annual LSU Neuroscience Center of Excellence Retreat
Keynote and Dean's Award Lecturer: Solomon Snyder, M.D.


Department of Neuroscience,
John Hopkins University School of Medicine

"Nitric Oxide Regulated by Large and Small Molecules"

Brain Awareness Week


Public Talks on Attention Deficit Disorders


Syposium: Eighth International Symposium on Stroke, Neurotrauma, and Other Neurological Diseases


Symposium: Lipid Messengers in the Nervous System


Symposium: Nitric Oxide and Other Diffusible Signals in Brain Development, Plasticity, and Disease


Satellite Symposium for the Society for Neuroscience



Symposium: Fundamental Issues in Stroke and Epilepsy:
Excitotoxicity, Cell Signaling and Neuroprotection


8th Annual LSU Neuroscience Center of Excellence Retreat
Keynote and Dean's Award Lecturer: Eric R. Kandel, M.D.


Center for Neurobiology and Behavior
College of Physicians and Surgeons of Columbia University
New York, NY

"Genes, Synapse and Long Term Memory"

Symposium: Sensory Systems


Symposium: New Targets in Inflammation:
Inhibitors of COX-2 or Adhesion Molecules"




Symposium: Fundamental Issues in Stroke and Epilepsy:
Excitotoxicity, Cell Signaling and Neuroprotection


7th Annual LSU Neuroscience Center of Excellence Retreat
Keynote and Dean's Award Lecturer: Dr. Fred H. Gage


Professor, Department of Neurosciences,
University of California School of Medicine
San Diego, CA

"Cell and Gene Transfer to the Central Nervous System"

Symposium: Neuronal Development and Plasticity



1995 | 1996 | 1997 | 1998 | 1999 | 2000 | 2001  | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 I 2011
l 2012 I 2013 I 2014 l 2015 I 2016 I 2017 I 2018 I 2019 I