Old Dental Microbiology Lab Syllabus
The following laboratory exercises are a computer version of labs that are no longer offered as part of the MIP course. They are provided here with no updates or support.
This material is copyrighted by LSUHSC and the Department of Microbiology, Immunology and Parasitology. Except where noted, this material may be freely copied, however no text, diagrams nor photographs, either whole or in part, may be used in any manner designed for profit without first obtaining written permission from the author/creator.
- Exercise #1 Non-Specific Host Defense
- Exercise #2 Cell-Mediated Immunity
- Exercise #3 Antigen-Antibody I
- Exercise #4 Antigen-Antibody II
- Exercise #5 General Techniques
- Exercise #6 Growth Curve
- Exercise #7 Synthetic Epidemic
- Exercise #8 Kirby-Bauer/MIC-MBC
- Exercise #9 Bacteriophage Mutants
- Exercise #10 Mechanisms of Antibiotic Action
- Exercise #11 Gram Negative Pyogens
- Exercise #12 Enteric Gram Negative Short Rods
- Exercise #13 Oral Streptococci
- Exercise #14 Oral and Pulmonary Actinomycetales
- Exercise #15 Oral Anaerobes
- Exercise #16 Gram Positive Pyogenic Cocci
- Exercise #17 Toxigenic Gram Positive Bacilli
- Exercise #18 Yeast and Fungi
- Exercise #19 Viral Research Techniques
- Exercise #20 Laboratory Unknown