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2021 Poster Presentations
Meghan McNeely, Maya Roth, Peter Joslyn, MD, Staci Olister, MD, Nicole Freehill, MD. Aligning Obstetric and Neonatal Care to Optimally Manage Neonates Exposed to Herpes Simplex Virus.
- Presented by Meghan McNeely at AMSA 2021 and ACP 2021
- Abstract was selected to be printed in the 2021 Quality Improvement Forum
- Poster
Simran Mittal, Nicole Rueb, Claire Bise, Margaret Carey, Katherine Henry, Angelle Leger, Olivia Obot, Alise Aucoin, Nicole Catalano, Caitlyn Gallaspy, Gabrielle Stone, Madhav KC, Andrew Chapple PhD, La'Nasha Tanner-Sanders MD, Stacey Holman MD. Long-Acting Reversible Contraception Use in Postpartum Women.
- Presented by Claire Bise at Xavier University of Louisiana 14th Annual Health Disparities Conference. Virtual Meeting. April 7, 2021.
- Poster
Simran Mittal, Nicole Rueb, Claire Bise, Margaret Carey, Katherine Henry, Angelle Leger, Olivia Obot, Alise Aucoin, Nicole Catalano, Caitlyn Gallaspy, Gabrielle Stone, Madhav KC, Andrew Chapple PhD, La'Nasha Tanner-Sanders MD, Stacey Holman MD. Contraception Use in Postpartum Women.
- Presented by Simi Mittal at the LSUHSC School of Public Health Delta Omega Poster Session.
Madison Lanza, Shannon Beerman MD, Rose DePaula-Cox Md, Andrew Chapple PhD, Stacey Holman MD. Compliance with Postpartum Follow-up in LSU OB/GYN Prenatal Clinics.
- Presented by Madison Lanza at Medical Student Research Day 2021
2020 Poster Presentations
Simran Mittal, Anwei Gwan Andrew Chapple, PhD, Jamie Alleyn MD, Valerie Williams MD. An Assessment of Medical Student Perceptions Towards Abortion Education.
- Presented at ACOG Medical Student Conference and AMA, includded in Doctors for America National Leadership booklet. Accepted at APGO and CREOG
- Poster
Simran Mittal, Tina NGuyen, Monica Klaybor, MD, Ariella Price, MD, Stacey L Holman, MD, La'Nasha Tanner-Sanders, MD. Improving the Rate of HPV Vaccination Administration in Urban OBGYN Resident Clinic: A Team-Based Approach.
- Presented at ACOG Medical Student Conference
- Poster
M. Brown, V. Moussavi, MD, A. Clark, M. D. Matossian, S. Holman, MD, A. Jernigan MD, S. Scheib MD, J. Shank MD, A.G. Chapple PhD, E. Kelly MD, N. Nair MD MPH. Enhanced Recovery after surgery (ERAS) implementation in gynecologic surgery patients in a medically underserved population.
- Presented at the 8th Annual Quality Improvement & Patient Safety Forum Virtually on June 4th, 2020.
- Poster
Katherine Henry; Andrew Amedee; Deidra J. Devier, PhD. Applicability of the King-Deick Test for Cognitive Impairment Detection in Patents wth Multiple Sclerosis.
- 2020 Medical Student Research Virtual Poster Symposium- Our very own co-chair elect Katherine Henry was selected as the1st Place Winner in L1/L2 Category
- Links to poster, abstract, and virtual recording:
- Poster
- Abstract
- Presentation
- Passcode Research: 2020@LSU
Katherine Henry
Klaybor, M., Davis, P., McKinnie, C., & Walker, M. (2020). Uncontrolled and Under Pressure: A rare complication of diabetes mellitus.
- January 2020- 30th Annual LSU Medicine Research Day; New Orleans, LA.
- March 2020- American College of Physicians Annual Louisiana Meeting; New Orleans, LA
Monica Klaybor
Duhon, A.*, Schachter, A.*, Roth, M., Kamal, S., Scheib, S., Crabtree, J., & Jernigan, A. (2020). The Women's Health Research Consortium: improving medical student satisfaction with research opportunities.
- April 2020 - American Medical Student Association National Convention & Exposition; Washington DC (presented virtually)
2019 Poster Presentations
Meghan McNeely, Diana Shustarovich, MD, Andrew Chapple, PhD, Stacey Scheib, MD. Correlation of Endometriosis on MRI and Surgical Pathology.
- Presented at at Medical Student Research Day and SGS
Meghan McNeely
Klaybor, M. & Baier, M. (2019). Difficulty of Diagnosis & Treatment of Dementia in a Schizoaffective Elderly Patient
January 2019- LSU Medicine Research Day; New Orleans, LA
February 2019- Louisiana Psychiatric Medical Association
Monica Klaybor
- June 2019 - Western Association of Gynecologic Oncologists Conference, Huntington Beach, CA, USA
Hotz, M., Yang, D., Solomon, A., Hagan, J., Tanner, L. (2019). Barriers to Election Day Voting Among Medical Students
September 2019 - ACOG Districts IV, VII, & XI Annual Meeting; New Orleans, LA, USA
Melanie Hotz