Message from the Chairman
I want to share my appreciation for the strong morale we have within the Department of Psychiatry. The department practices evidence-based care with a focus on interdisciplinary academic collaboration and expertise. We are privileged to have recruited competent and knowledgeable faculty members. Our psychiatrists are dedicated to the highest quality patient care. Our many educational opportunities for medical students, residents, and fellows demonstrate our dedication to training the next generation of mental healthcare professionals. We are ACGME accredited and have 48 slots in General Psychiatry, 2 CL Fellowships, 1 Forensic Fellowship, 3 Addiction Psychiatry and 8 spots for Child & Adolescent psychiatry. In addition, our psychology interns are accredited by the American Psychological Association, 6 interns, and we provide supervision for post-doctoral fellowship in clinical psychology. We are also privileged to be a leader in areas of mental health and as it's related to Social Work.
We are proud of the work we do in clinical service, innovative research, and education. I am thankful for our many community partners, including but not limited to: Metropolitan Human Service District, Odyssey House of Louisiana, Inclusive Care, and NOELA Community Health Center. In addition, we are fortunate to have established a strong working relationship with the Office of Behavioral Health, Children's Hospital-New Orleans, University Medical Center-New Orleans, Department of Child & Family Services, and Ochsner, not to mention the many school partners such as ReNEW Schools, Crescent City Charter School, and St. Bernard, and St. Charles Parish School Boards. They provide us the needed platform to practice quality patient care throughout a variety of settings with attention to bringing value to those we serve within our community.
Here at LSU Health Sciences Center-New Orleans, we pride ourselves for being a progressive dynamic department. We have clinical faculty that specialize in all primary domains of academic psychiatry: Adult, Child & Adolescent, Addiction, Consultation Liaison, and Forensic; furthermore, we have several specialty psychiatry services in the areas of trauma, addiction, bariatric, burn clinic as well as the GI clinic. We are also proficient in ECT and offer detox services, psychopharmacology and psychotherapy. Our vision for the future is to build on these and other services, such as the use of rTMS. We will continue collaboration with other Interdisciplinary Professionals, the City of New Orleans government officials, NAMI, and Civic leaders to further develop a comprehensive “Violence Prevention” program, in order to decrease Child Trauma, Community Violence and Intimate Partner Violence. We believe this goal is attainable, that all people deserve quality patient care and that includes mental and behavioral health.
Rahn Kennedy Bailey, MD
Department of Psychiatry
Psychiatry Administrative Staff

Business Manager


Assistant Business Manager

Department Head Administrator
Partnerships and Affiliations