School of Medicine

Department of Pediatrics


The LSU Department of Pediatrics is dedicated to enhancing pediatric health by fostering the research efforts of our faculty and trainees. Through research, we aim to improve the lives of children and their families by discovering new cures, refining diagnostic and management strategies, and advancing health outcomes for all children. Our strong commitment to research empowers our faculty and trainees to develop innovative methodologies that enhance the health and quality of life for children and their families. This is achieved by promoting scholarly activity through comprehensive research training, collaboration, and the dissemination of findings, thereby enabling medical discovery to thrive.

Below is a list of select publications categorized by specialty divisions:


Asthma and Obesity: Impact of weight loss on inflammatory markers and clinical manifestations of asthma in children

Asthma and Obesity: Weight Loss and Inflammatory Markers

Creating a low allergen environment in-home and in-schools of asthmatic children: Education and Management

Tuberculosis, a model for Translational Research

Role of IgIV in the induction of antibody response in vitro in patients unresponsive to bacterial vaccine antigens in vivo

Cellular and molecular basis of the immune response in specific antibody deficiency.


Ambulatory Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine

Resiliency Education to Reduce Depression Disparities_Workgroup, Co-I Pasternak

CPPRN Linked LA County Services Dataset, Co-I Pasternak 

Community Resilience Learning Collaborative and Research Network, Co-I Pasternak 

Community and Patient Partnered Research Network (CPPRN) - Direct Point-of-Service Screening and Enrollment, Co-I: Pasternak

Mind the Gaps: The Contraceptive Experiences of Parenting Adolescents, La-CATS Roadmap Scholar Grant, PI: Dumas

Growing Together: A Mentorship and Support Network for Adolescent Parents, La-CATS Community Scholars, PI: Dumas

Young Mothers Study: A Medical Home Intervention for Parenting Adolescents, LSUHSC Intramural Grant, PI: Dumas

School-Based Medical Clinic Expansion to Provide Adolescent Mental Health Services, PI: Pasternak

Safer Sex Intervention Evaluation,Office of Adolescent Health HRSA, PI: Pasternak (completed)

Clinical Quality Improvement (CQI) for a SBHC Network, PI: Pasternak

Community and Patient Partnered Research Network (CPPRN) PI: Pasternak, Springgate

Growing Young Families Together: Qualitative Exploration of Unmet Needs of Teen Parents, American Academy of Pediatrics PI: Dumas (Completed)

Understanding Kids First Tiger Care Patient Population: Retrospective Data Analysis, PI: Pasternak

NOLA medical home for LGBT Youth: Focus Group Study, PI: Dumas (Completed)

Healthy Families Text: Efficacy of a text-messaging intervention to reduce weight for length percentile and growth velocity in infants 0-18 months at risk for obesity, PI: Lefevre, Co-I Morgan


Critical Care

Residents Perceptions of Social Media and Professionalism

Faculty Development

The Discordance of Ethical Beliefs and Practices in the Management of Chronic Respiratory Failure in Permanently Comatose Children

Incorporating Enhanced Dialogs and Open but Anonymous Audience Attitude Assessments Using a Computerized Audience Response System to Teach Medical Ethics

Examining Perspectives on Physicians' Duty, Risk and Burden in Quotidian and  Exceptional Conditions


Baez E, Haymon M, Kashyap L, Finger L, Chalew S. Pediatric Polycystic Thyroid: Rare Innocent Finding or Harbring of Disease? Journal of Louisiana State Medical Socity, July/August 2018 Vol 170: 114-118.

Mechanisms of Biologic Variation in Hemoglobin Glycation

The Study of Insulin Sensitivity in Low-Birth weight Louisiana Youth (The Silly Study)

Trial Net

Supporting documents [in PDF format] for "Hypokalemia and Alkalosis in Adipsic Hypernatremia are not Associated with Hyperaldosteronism" by by Michael Y. Torchinsky, MD; Stephen Deputy, MD; Fred Rambeau, BS; and Stuart A. Chalew, MD, to be published in Hormone Research


Amitriptyline for Moving Children from Tube to Oral Feeding

Neurogastroenterology and Motility

Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis

Childhood Obesity

Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders

Magnet Ingestions

Pyloric Flow Measured by Intrapulmonary Impedance

Gabapentin for Feeding Difficulties After Cardiac Surgery

Disability in Children and Adolescents with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and/or Fibromyalgia


Children's Oncology Group (COG) Clinical Treatment Protocols: We offer the most current protocols for treatment of leukemia, lymphoma, CNS tumors, sarcomas, and other cancers seen in the pediatric population.  We are members of the Pediatric consortium of institutions offering childhood cancer treatment, the Children's Oncology Group (COG), and thus have access to the most recent and promising advances in the understanding and treatment of childhood cancer.

PBMTC clinical treatment protocols

Non-ablative SCT for pediatric hemoglobinopathy patients

Cord blood transplantation in sickle cell disease/thalassemia patients (Celgene-sponsored)

CD34-selected stem cells for transplantation

Co-transfer of Dendritic cell precursors and Cytokine stimullation to accelerate immune recovery following hematopoietic stem cell transplant.

Infectious Disease

Rotavirus VLPs in plants as vaccine candidate

Rotavirus VLPs as vaccine candidates

Development of a vaccine against Helicobacter pylori

Clinical and genetic surveillance of rotavirus in New Orleans

Evaluation of rotavirus vaccine efficacy


Carnitine palmitoyltransferase-1 in neonatal pig heart


Cardiovascular Disease in Chronic Kidney Disease and Dialysis

Cardiovascular Risk in Pediatric Transplant Patients

Multicenter clinical trial of focal glomeruloschelrosis in children and young adults

Mechanisms and Treatment of Inflammation in Chronic Kidney Disease and Dialysis

Malnutrition-Inflammation Complex (MIC) in Chronic Kidney Disease and Dialysis

Prenatal and Perinatal Programming of Adult Hypertension

Tulane Hypertension & Renal Center of Excellence
