School of Medicine

Department of Pediatrics

LSU Pediatrics Faculty Wellness Program


Department Wellness Ambassador Jerussa Aita-Levy, MD and the Wellness Committee have compiled a list of helpful links and resources. Please take this time to focus on your wellness!

  1. Remember LSUHSC Campus Assistance Program (CAP) is here to help!
  2. CAP's Advice on Dealing with Stress: Article

Why Our Heroes Need to Prioritize Sleep: Article

Generational divide: 4 ways physician burnout differs by age: Article

5 Ways to Combat Burnout: Article

In 'Together,' Former Surgeon General Writes About Importance Of Human Connection: Article

Wellness Break: 3 Ways Your Mind Makes You Miserable (And How to Stop It Today) Dr. Jerussa Aita-Levy recommends reading Wellness Grand Rounds Speaker Dr. Gail Gazelle's emails and blog posts. Dr. Levy found one of Dr. Gazelle's recent posts helpful and wanted to share it with the department. You can also watch Dr. Gazelle's weekly wellness talks on her Facebook page.

Need childcare? Touro's got you covered. Touro has re-opened its Kids Activity Center and they are generously accepting children of LCMC Health employees (ages 5- 11). The Kids Activity Center is open from 6:30 am - 7 pm.

LSU Pediatrics Wellness Team Giving Out Massages

LSU Pediatrics Wellness Team Giving Out Massages


Free apps and websites to keep you physically and mentally fit:

Peloton App: stream spin, run, walk, strength, stretching, bootcamp, yoga and meditation over an extended 90-day trial. Link

Pure Barre OD: 60-day free trial with Code: EXTENDED TRIAL Link

Shira Kraft, Pilates Instructor: 30-minute session on Youtube

Beachbody: Free sample workouts link; also offering a free 14-day trial of their on demand service


Yoga with Adriene: Youtube

Fight Master Yoga: Youtube

Fitness Marshall: Youtube - For those who like dancing

Cosmic Kids Yoga: Youtube - Yoga for Kids!


Ten Percent Happier: link - free access to app for healthcare workers.