School of Medicine

Pediatric Cardiology Fellowship Program

Year at a Glance


LSU Pediatrics Fellows Taking Selfie at CHNO

First Year: 

Orientation Month
3 months Echocardiography
1 month Cardiac Intensive Care
3 months Inpatient Cardiology Service and Consults
3 months Invasive Cardiac Catheterization and Electrophysiology
1 months Research 

Second Year:

2 months Echocardiography
2 months Cardiac Intensive Care
2 months Inpatient Cardiology Service and Consults
2 months Invasive Cardiac Catheterization and Electrophysiology
4 months Research

Third Year:

1 month Echocardiography
1 months Cardiac Intensive Care
2 months Inpatient Cardiology Service and Consults
2 month Elective time
6 months Research

Call responsibilities:

Fellows share home call evenly between the five (or 6) fellows for nights and weekends.  Responsibilities include taking phone calls from families, our home monitoring program patients, the emergency department or inpatient services and coming in for any necessary hands-on evaluations or echocardiograms. 

In-house cardiac intensive care call is optional, but encouraged, during cardiac intensive care service months in order to gain the valuable experience of managing post operative patients with increased autonomy.  Our Cardiac Intensivists take in-house call 24 hours per day, 7 days per week and are available for supervision and mentorship.