Women In Medicine At a Glance

Women In Medicine is an official student branch of the American Medical Women's Association (AMWA). Through education, advocacy, and community service, we seek to increase awareness and stimulate discussion of current women's health issues and the issues facing women physicians. Frequent discussion topics and activities revolve around domestic violence, breast cancer, under-representation of women in specific medical fields, and balancing career with family. We serve as a voice for students in shaping curriculum and policy at LSUHSC.

WIM Objectives

The objectives of WIM are to bring together women medical students and physicians, to promote their education and training; to educate them and the public on health issues of women; to encourage women to study and practice medicine; to ensure them equal opportunity to do so; to cooperate with other organizations having comparable interests; and to support medical relief services.

WIM Bylaws

Click here to view the Bylaws in Adobe Acrobat format.


WIM Requirements for Active Membership


1st and 2nd years

1 service hour per year (ex. bake sales, Race for the Cure, etc.)

1 lunch meeting per semester


3rd and 4th years

1 of the above criteria


WIM Officers 2010-2011

Tanner, Jacey629.jpg
Dinh,Kim Tien574.jpg














President                           Vice President             VP Community Affairs    Secretary

Jolisha Eubanks               Kim Dinh                       Nisha Loganantharaj       Jacey Tanner    














Treasurer                          Webmaster                        L1 Representative           L1 Representative

Kaitlen Sicard                   Carolyn Davis                     TBA                                              TBA



Our Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Angela McLean


WIM T-shirt

2011-2012 T-shirt design coming this fall!

Click here to see the 2010 - 2011 design

Click here to see the 2009-2010 design

Click here to see the 2008-2009 design

Click here to see the 2007-2008 design

Click here to see the 2006-2007 design

Click here to see the 2005-2006 design


WIM Contact Information

For more information about WIM activities, please contact:

Jolisha Eubanks

WIM 2011/2012 President


