School of Medicine

Wellness Committee

Wellness Screening / Questionnaires


2018 9:48:42 AM


Physician Well-Being Index

Louisiana State University School of Medicine invites you to participate in the Physician Well-Being Index. This validated tool is an opportunity to help you better understand your overall well-being and areas of risk compared to physicians across the nation, as well as provide access to local and national resources. The tool is 100% anonymous - your information and score is private and your individual score will not be shared with Louisiana State University School of Medicine, or anyone for that matter.

To access your exsiting Well-Being Index account click here.

To set up a new Well-Being Index account and access for the first time click here. Look for an email from Richard DiCarlo, MD for the access code.


School of Medicine Student Burnout Inventory

The Medical Student Well-Being Index was invented by Mayo Clinic and is a reliable tool that helps medical schools and individuals screen psychological well-being. It evaluates fatigue, depression, burnout, anxiety/stress, and mental/physical quality of life in medical students. It has been validated as an accurate tool to predict and help identify students with severe distress for early intervention.

It allows students to track their well being over time, and provides access to many helpful resources for more information, and for self management to prevent and combat stress, anxiety, and depression.

LSU New Orleans medical students receive a link from the student affairs office that invites them to create a personalized account.  The message is sent several times a year, through email, to keep students aware of this helpful tool.


Stress and Depression Questionnaire

The Interactive Screening Program (ISP) is an online program utilized by The LSUHSC Campus Assistance Program (CAP). ISP provides a safe and confidential way for individuals to take a brief screening for stress, depression, and other mental health conditions, and receive a personalized response from a CAP counselor. Click here to access the Stress and Depression Questionnaire.


Rethinking Drinking:  Alcohol and Your Health

Here's where you can evaluate your drinking, decide whether and how to make a change, and find tools to help you stay in control.  Click here to access information regarding alcohol and your health.  



