Process & Timeline
We designed a planning process to maximize the input of our school community and leave no stone unturned when it came to data, insights, or feedback that would be helpful to us as we thought about the future of our school. The following serves as an overview of our timeline for this process.
- March – April 2024: Strategic planning kickoff and formation of our strategic planning advisory committee and working groups
- March – May 2024: Comprehensive research into our school’s recent performance, industry trends, and
peer institutions
- April – June 2024: Stakeholder interviews, school-wide listening sessions, and multiple surveys to gather
input from the school community (faculty and staff, students and residents, and alumni)
- May – June 2024: Initial recommendations submitted from each working group (education, research, and clinical operations)
- June – August 2024: School leadership and advisory committee review of recommendations, development of
draft strategic plan
- Fall 2024: Draft strategic plan distributed for comment from the broad school community
- December 2024: Strategic plan finalized and launched