School of Medicine

Section of Clinical Psychology

LSUHSC Clinical Psychology Internship



Thank you for inquiring about our APA accredited internship*. We are excited and proud to announce that our program has been accredited by APA through 2028! The psychology internship is committed to the goal of helping the psychology intern to develop competencies in the traditional core skills of clinical psychology such as psychodiagnostic testing, clinical interviewing, treatment planning, consultation, and psychotherapy, though the program is designed to be flexible enough to take into account the needs and professional goals of each trainee. The internship offers a welcoming environment for individuals to work and train in a supportive setting. 

LSUHSC School of Medicine offers three distinct tracks allowing for highly specialized/focused training in Clinical Psychology. This year we will offer five (5) internship positions; two (2) for the Adult track, two (2) for the Infant/Child track and one (1) for the Trauma track. The Adult track intern has the opportunity to obtain more focused/highly specialized adult inpatient and outpatient experience, while the Infant/Child track intern has the opportunity to obtain highly specialized training in their work with infants, school-aged children, adolescents, and their caregivers. The trauma track is new beginning in 2025 and offers specialized trauma training with patients suffering from a traumatic injury in both medical inpatient and outpatient clinic settings.

A major emphasis of the program is on the provision of quality clinical training under the supervision of LSUHSC New Orleans faculty. Graduates who are currently in practice have noted that the quantity and quality of supervision provided for each intern is a strength of the program. Each intern receives an average of 4 to 6 hours of individual and group supervision per week. Interns also meet monthly with a gratis faculty member who serves as a mentor outside of the core faculty of the internship program. These individuals offer a different perspective from the faculty that the interns typically work with during the week and provide excellent professional development.

LSUHSC School of Medicine offers many exciting opportunities for working with many treatment populations and gaining varied clinical experiences. The Crescent City provides a rich training ground that will prepare you for a very challenging and rewarding career in psychology. The faculty welcomes all applicants and provides interns with resources and support within our program and within the larger medical school to assist individuals with personal and professional growth over the internship year. The Section of Psychology also has a Committee for Belonging, which interns are invited to participate in, to ensure respect of all individuals by examining and re-examining our practices, materials and on-going efforts to create a welcoming work environment.

We are proud of our graduates who are currently working in a variety of settings nationwide. Some graduates of the internship program have opened successful private practices, while others are working in academic psychology departments, medical school settings, and community mental health agencies. While many of our alumni are clinicians, other graduates are in leadership roles, conducting research and creating new programs as a result of the specialized training they received at LSUHSC.

We invite you to contact the program to learn more about the opportunities that are available and to browse our brochure which provides a detailed overview of the training program. We will be hosting two virtual open house sessions in October to provide applicants with an opportunity to ask the Training Director questions and learn more about the program. Please email Jennifer Olivarez at for the zoom link and more information about the open house.


Dani Archie, Ph.D. - Training Director 

Amy Rinner, Psy.D. - Associate Training Director 


Psychology Office (504) 568-2537

Email for Jennifer Olivarez, Program Coordinator- 

Email for Dr. Archie - 

Email for Dr. Rinner-Comburg- 



*American Psychological Association, Commission on Accreditation
750 First Street, NE, Washington, DC 20002-4242

(202) 336-5979


The purple states represent where our interns have come from over the past five years, which is representative of the wide array of experiences and perspectives interns receive prior to starting internship.


Adult Interns:

Whitney Contreras
Ashley Phillips

Infant/Child Interns:

Ashley Quigley

Nathaniel Stewart


Trauma Intern:

Colleen Frank


2024-2025 Interns

Adult Interns:

Maureen Maher

Andrea Pereyra

Infant/Child Interns:

Hailey Bergner

Danielle Katz


Pediatric Intern:

Jordan Dell