Should a needle stick/exposure incident occur, do the following:
1) Needlestick: First Fill card: Click here
2) Report IMMEDIATELY to the ER for evaluation. Follow any guidelines/protocols for the individual clinical site.
LSUHSC Workers' Compensation Procedure:
1) Report the Incident: Immediately notify your supervising faculty and/or training program director of the incident.
2) Submit your Claim: The DA 2000 form can be accessed online and reported using the EH&S SafetyStratus Reporting Webpage. The link to the EH&S SafetyStratus Reporting Webpage is LSUHSC Worker's Compensation. Complete the DA1973 form and then emaiil a scanned copy to the HRM Department at Complete reporting templates with as much information as possible. DO NOT DELAY SUBMISSION of these templates if you do not have all pieces of requested information. All incidents should be reported within five calendar days.
3) Case Review: The HR team will initiate the claims proceess with the Sedgwick Claims Team.
Sedgwick Claims Management Services is the designated third-party administrator for workers' compensation claims. Following an on-the-job injury, be advised you may be contacted via phone/email by a member of the Sedgwick Claims Processing Team to provide additional information relative to your claim.
4) Should you have questions or need additional guidance, you should contact Human Resources at .
Additional guidance on the worker’s compensation process is available at LSUHSC Workers' Compensation
Additional guidance on the incident and accident reporting process is available at