Click on any of the following links below for interactive tools on lung cancer:
Interactive Assessments & Questionnaires
Calculate My Lung Cancer Risks (University of Michigan)
Cancer of the Lung Evaluation and Assessment of Risk (CLEAR)
Check in With Your Lungs Lung Health Checklist (Lung Foundation) (PDF)
Could You Be at Risk for Lung Cancer? Quiz (Everyday Health Media)
Lung Cancer Risk Assessment (Baylor Health Care System)
Lung Cancer Risk Assessment (Roper St. Francis Foundation)
Lung Symptoms Assessment Questionnaire (Right Diagnosis)
"Your Lung Cancer Risk" Questionnaire (Siteman Cancer Center)
Interactive Educational Games & Quizzes
"Burn Out: A Lung Cancer Challenge" (CancerQuest)
Healthy Lungs Quiz (Healthy Lungs for Life)
How Much Do You Know About Lung Cancer Quiz (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, CDC)
"Know the Flow: Lung Cancer" Quiz (CancerQuest)
Lung Cancer Quiz (National Women's Health Resource Center)
Quiz on Lung Cancer (Network Health)
Take the Quiz: Lung Cancer (American Cancer Society)
Take the Quiz: Lung Cancer (Lung Cancer Alliance)
Your Lung Cancer IQ: Get the Facts (American Lung Association)
"Your Lung Cancer Risk: What Do You Know?" Quiz (Everyday Health)
AfterShock: Facing a Serious Diagnosis App (Center for Advancing Health)
LCA Unite Mobile App (Lung Cancer Alliance)
Mobile Applications (Apps) and Cancer (
PatientPilot Mobile App (mPatient Solutions, LLC)
Customizable Patient Information Sheets (Sanofi Oncology)
LiveHelp (
Lung Cancer Progress Timeline (American Society of Clinical Oncology)
Click on any of the following links below for multimedia tutorials and videos on various lung cancer topics in our Lung Cancer Video Library:
Lung Cancer Complications (Khan Academy & American Association of Colleges of Nursing Collaboration)
Lung Cancer Diagnosis (Khan Academy & American Association of Colleges of Nursing Collaboration)
Lung Cancer Metastasis (Khan Academy & American Association of Colleges of Nursing Collaboration)
"Lung Cancer Resection" Interactive Audio (Patient Education Institute & UNC Health Library)
Lung Cancer Staging (Khan Academy & American Association of Colleges of Nursing Collaboration)
Lung Cancer Types (Khan Academy & American Association of Colleges of Nursing Collaboration)
Lung Cancer Web-U-Cation (OncoLink)
Meet the Lungs (Khan Academy & American Association of Colleges of Nursing Collaboration)
Patient and Caregiver Stories (Cancer Support Community)
"Thoracotomy" Interactive Audio (Patient Education Institute & UNC Health Library)
What is Lung Cancer (Khan Academy & American Association of Colleges of Nursing Collaboration)
"Lung Health Barometer" (American Lung Association)
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