School of Medicine

Department of Family Medicine


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Universidad Nacional de San Antonio Abad del Cusco

The National University of Saint Anthony the Abad in Cuzco (UNSAAC) is a public university in Cusco, Peru and one of the oldest in the country. Its foundation was first proposed on March 1, 1692, at the urging and support of Pope Innocent XII. The document in which Pope Innocent XII sponsored the founding of the university was signed in Madrid, Spain by King Charles II on June 1, 1692, thus becoming Cusco's principal and oldest university. The university was authorized to confer bachelors, licentiate, masters, and doctorate degrees. It currently has 24 faculties with 37 professorial chairs and 29 academic departments.

peru - patients

Reach Teach Heal


Reach Teach Heal, formerly known as Healing Peru, was established in 2007 by former LSU faculty Dr. Nicholas Seeliger and Kristy Seeliger.  After visiting the beautiful village of Kristy's grandmother, Andajuaylillas, they felt called to dedicate themselves to improve the quality of life of the families living in this inspiring Andean village. With the help of many their dream remains alive. 


Through the collaborative efforts of the Peruvian based non-profit organization The Q'ewar Project, The Cusco Region Ministry of Health, The Jesuit Volunteer Corps, The Eglin Air Force Base Family Medicine Residency Program, the Tulane University School of Medicine, and now the Louisiana State University School of Medicine in New Orleans. Reach Teach Heal continues to grow and expand its reach to help those who are most in need.


For more information on Reach Teach Heal or to make a donation, please contact:

Emilio A Russo, MD  FAAFP
Chair, LSUHSC Committee on International Educational Experience
Marie Lahasky Professor of Family Medicine and Chair
LSU New Orleans Department of Family Medicine