Epilepsy Monitoring Unit Scheduling
Adult Inpatient Epilepsy Monitoring
Referrals for adult epilepsy monitoring at the University Medical Center New Orleans
should be made using the new patient referral form. Patients referred for monitoring must see Dr. Piotr Olejniczak or Dr. Edward Mader
for a pre-monitoring evaluation. We are accepting referrals for monitoring through
the LSU Health Multispecialty Clinic (Dr. Olejniczak) and the University Medical Center
Neurology/Epilepsy Clinic (Dr. Mader). For referrals to Dr. Olejniczak, please fax
the completed new patient form and the necessary medical information to 504-412-1518
to schedule your pre-monitoring evaluation. For referrals to Dr. Mader, please call
504-903-2373 to schedule your pre-monitoring evaluation.
Pediatric Inpatient Epilepsy Monitoring
Referrals for pediatric epilepsy monitoring should be made through Jessica Petry, the pediatric epilepsy nurse coordinator, at (504) 896-9859. The fax number is (504) 896-9547. Pediatric inpatient monitoring is performed at Children's Hospital in New Orleans. A pre-monitoring evaluation may be necessary.