School of Medicine

Center for Healthcare Value & Effectiveness

CHW Demographics


LA CHW Roles


More CHW and Louisiana CHW Workforce Study Info

74AA2CB2-5DD2-460F-90CA-791C532FA749 5E55DD04-2A75-426F-A935-EA2CFD0DC1B1

FAQs about Community Health Workers                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

 3484B627-B711-43C8-8F51-679AD363BE5E 30A69693-A1DC-44D6-9C1A-9E649EEF659C 

 Recommendations from the Louisiana CHW Workforce Study Committee

F784FEB8-E6EC-4663-8668-F4CEC9F85CA2 09850762-3D7D-447E-8961-A2E9FF5F421C

 Community Health Worker Workforce Study Infographic


Strategies to Support Community Health Workers


Staying Safe During Community Outreach