School of Medicine

Center for Healthcare Value & Effectiveness

Study of Carceral Exposure on Health Services Use


Roughly 95% of people in state prisons will be released at some point, and legislative reforms nationwide are increasing the number of people reentering society. Formerly incarcerated persons (FIPs) experience a greater burden of disease than the general population, disparities in access to care, and a twelve-fold higher risk of death during the immediate post-release period. There is an urgent need to improve coordination between justice, health care, and social services systems to ensure that people being released access appropriate support.

This research aims to answer the overall question: How do health services delivered to incarcerated people in Louisiana affect their health service needs upon release?

This project is funded as part of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation's Interdisciplinary Research Leaders program and is being conducted in partnership with Voice of the Experienced and Loyola University.

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