Become a Member

LSU LCMC Health Cancer Center membership is based on having a primary cancer focus, research excellence, and consistent participation in Cancer Center activities as expected of Centers aspiring for NCI designation. Members will be in one of three programs: cancer initiation and progression, translational oncology, or population science & disparities with evidence of active cancer-relevant research. All members must have a faculty appointment at LSU. Categories of membership include Research Member, Associate, and Trainee. Criteria for each membership category are described below.

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Membership Criteria

The following membership criteria outline current expectations and eligibility for LSU LCMC Health CC Research Members, Associates, and Trainees.  

Research Members

Research Members must be full-time faculty members with a commitment to cancer research and meet one of the following criteria:

  • Serves as PI, Co-PI, or Project Leader of cancer-relevant, peer-reviewed extramural research grants and/or team science investigator (i.e., radiology, pathology, biostatistician) who is typically listed as co-investigator with effort
  • Functions as a leader in cancer clinical research, such as:
    • PI of interventional cancer trial that is investigator-initiated and institutionally funded, OR
    • PI of an industry-sponsored trial or institutional trial for which the member was a primary scientific contributor to the trial’s design, implementation, and monitoring, OR
    • Site PI of a multi-site trial initiated by an investigator at another center, OR
    • Holds national leadership position in NCI National Clinical Trials Network studies (National PI or Study Chair, PI on U10 grant, NCTN (or nationally recognized consortium) Committee Chair
  • Holds a significant leadership role within LSU LCMC Health Cancer Center, including Research Program Leaders, members of center advisory committees, and Shared Resource Directors
  • New faculty recruitment or early career, cancer-focused on a:
    • Pathway towards acquiring sustained cancer-relevant, peer-reviewed extramural research grants, OR
    • Similar pathway for becoming a clinical research leader as defined above

These individuals are reviewed annually as Research Members over a 3-year period to ensure adequate progress towards sustained funding and scientific contribution

  • Expresses strong interest in cancer and has dedicated faculty effort assigned to research, but does not yet have externally funded cancer-related grants or clinical trials, publications, etc.


Associates must be full-time faculty members and meet one of the following criteria:

  • Engages actively in the continuum of cancer care and survivorship, plays a leadership role (e.g., physician leader) that is critical to the success of the center, or contributes on cancer-relevant catchment issues (incidence, mortality, cancer disparities, etc.) but does not have a cancer scientific research program focus and contributes to cancer programmatic efforts in other important, supportive ways.


 Trainees must meet one of the following criteria:

  • Be an undergraduate, graduate, or medical student, or a postdoc, resident, or fellow enrolled or working at LSU with a focus on cancer.  

Application Process

Applications are accepted on a rolling basis and comprise the following:

Review Proceedure

Administrative Review

  • Applications are reviewed by LSU LCMC Health CC Administration, who will conduct an initial review for accuracy and completion. Administrative reviews will be conducted and approved by the Associate Director for Administration (ADA).
  • Upon completed review by the ADA, applications will be sent to the LSU LCMC Health CC Research Program Leaders for consideration and final approval by the Director.

Membership Approval

  • All applications will be reviewed by the LSU LCMC Health CC Research Program Leaders based on recommendations by the ADA.
  • If approved for membership by the LSU LCMC Health CC Research Program Leaders, the application will be forwarded to the Center Director for final vetting and approval.
  • If the Director gives final approval, the ADA will notify the applicant by letter indicating the approved membership level.
  • The applicant is responsible for reviewing all responsibilities and expectations for LSU LCMC Health CC membership. Written acceptance of membership must be received from the applicant and reviewed and archived by the LSU LCMC Health Cancer Center Administrative Core.
  • Research Members, Associates, and Trainees will be reviewed by LSU LCMC Health CC on an annual basis.

Member Roles and Responsibilities

LSU LCMC Health CC Membership roles and responsibilities include participating, contributing, and supporting the following types of activities:

  • Research Program meetings, Center-sponsored retreats, and symposia
  • Relevant committees and working groups based on Center priorities and scientific expertise
  • Clinical research oversight committees, including Disease Working Groups, Protocol Review and Monitoring Committee, Data and Safety Monitoring Committee, etc.
  • Project initiatives and other activities within LSU LCMC Health CC to implement best research practices and enhance the center’s readiness for future submission of the NCI P30 Cancer Center Support Grant, which provides NCI designation when awarded.
  • Pursuit of individual peer-reviewed research funding, mentorship of junior researchers, and enhancement of LSU LCMC Health CC research capabilities and scientific portfolio as measured through publication in high impact journals.
  • Acknowledgement of LSU LCMC Health CC support on publications and presentations

Member Benefits

Benefits of LSU LCMC Health CC Membership include:

  • Eligibility to compete for LSU LCMC Health CC pilot project funding
  • Marketing, communications and public relations strategy support and promotion across the media spectrum for successful research initiatives, accomplishments, publications, etc.
  • Potential assistance with large multi-department and institutional grant submissions, such as P01, P50, etc. as resources permit
  • Access to LSU LCMC Shared Resources at subsidized member rates
  • Priority access to limited capacity LSU LCMC Health CC -sponsored retreats, lectures, seminars, and journal clubs
  • Collaborative opportunities to partner with members who can translate bench discoveries into clinical trials
  • Additional benefits may arise as programs and Shared Resources evolve.




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