About Cancer & Clinical Trials

Tobacco Cessation at LSU LCMC Health Cancer Center

If you had the opportunity to lower your chances of getting cancer, would you take it? While most people would, over 28 million Americans actively use a known cause of cancer – tobacco.

Beyond the Mammogram: Advanced Screening for Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is often associated with finding a lump during a self-exam or clinical exam. But as with many types of cancer, it begins developing long before it can be felt. As a result, early detection is key for easier and more effective treatment.

5 Misconceptions About Head and Neck Cancer - Debunked
Dr. Jovanny Zabaleta talks about his research on cancer in minority populations and how he’s helping support minority students in their own research careers. 

Cancer Research in Minority Populations With Dr. Jovanny Zabaleta

Dr. Jovanny Zabaleta talks about his research on cancer in minority populations and how he’s helping support minority students in their own research careers. 

How Blood Samples Are Changing Cancer Research: Dr. Jiri Adamec's Research on Blood Sampling

Dr. Jiri Adamec's research can help patients detect cancer with a simple blood test.

Lab Profiles: Dr. Luis Del Valle's Research on JC Polyomavirus and Brain Tumors

Dr. Luis Del Valle discusses his research on JC polyomavirus, which is connected with cancers of the brain and colon.

Cardiotoxicity: How Cancer Treatment Can Impact Your Heart

Dr. Jovanny Zabaleta talks about his research on cancer in minority populations and how he’s helping support minority students in their own research careers. 

Caregiving for Cancer: Why and How to Practice Self-Care As a Caregiver

The Gulf South Clinical Trials Network has been named a spoke in the ARPA-H Customer Experience Hub, one of three regional hubs that comprise ARPANET-H – a nationwide health innovation network and is dedicated to the needs of people. To read the entire release, click here.

Addressing Barriers to Clinical Trial Enrollment Among Black Americans

College students interested in pursuing a career in cancer research are urged to apply to The Louisiana Cancer Research Center’s 8-week Summer Undergraduate Cancer Research Experience, SUCRE. Read more


How Does Breast Cancer Genetic Testing Work?

Rhonda Babin is undergoing a clinical trial at University Medical Center. View her story on  WWL TV to learn more. 

Partnership Spotlight: Louisiana Cancer Prevention & Control Programs and Tobacco-Free Living

The advacnement of cancer detection, diagnosis and treatment could not be possible if it were not for clinical trials. Clinical trials are not a last resort for treatment. Learn more

How Louisiana Cancer Patients Navigate the ‘Hidden’ Costs of Participating in Clinical Trials

Fewer than 5 percent of adult patients with cancer enroll in a clinical trial, according to a 2019 study by the American Society of Clinical Oncology. Many must seek out treatments that may be far away, creating financial burdens due to the high cost of travel. These challenges can pose a “significant and sometimes insurmountable barrier,” according to the American Cancer Society.

Dr. Shawn McKinney Shares Important Tips on Breast Cancer Awareness

To view Dr. McKinney's appearance on Fox 8's NOLA Now, click here.


LCMC Cancer Center Clinical Trials

The advacnement of cancer detection, diagnosis and treatment could not be possible if it were not for clinical trials. Clinical trials are not a last resort for treatment. Learn more

Scientists Are Working For A Breakthrough On Pancreatic Cancer

To help lower the rate of pancreatic cancer diagnosis, which in Louisiana are higher than the national average, patients are urged to quit smoking, manage their diabetes and get screened for early detection. 


Cancer Moonshot Initiatives at LSU LCMC Health Cancer Center

Making progressin cancer research is acollective effort. The US and Louisiana are home to some of the brightest minds in cancer research, and we have thepower to makesignificant strides inpreventing cancer, diagnosing it early, and providing the best possible care for patients.