Denese O. Shervington, MD, MPH
Associate Professor of Clinical Psychiatry
Room 358
New Orleans, LA 70112
Phone: (504) 568-6001
Clinical Interests
Culture, Race and Health
Intersection between Mental and Sexual Health
Selected Publications
Shervington DO, Reflections on the Resistance of African American Women to Population/Birth Control., Beyond the Numbers: A Reader on Population and Control Issues Island Press., Apr 1994.
Pena, Bland, Shervington, Rice, Foulks, Racial Identity and Its Assessment in a Sample of African American Men in Treatment for Cocaine Dependence., Am J. Drug Alcohol Abuse 26 (1).pp 97-112, 2000.
Pena, Bland, Shervington, Rice, Foulks, A Two-Rate Hypothesis for Patterns of retention in Psychosocial Treatments of Cocaine Dependence: Findings from a Study of African American Men and a Review of the Published Data., Amer J. on Addictions 8:319-331, 1999.
Shervington, Bland, Myers, Ethnicity, Gender Identity, Stress and Coping Among Female African-American Medical Students., JAMWA 51:4. 153-154, 1996.
Foulks E, Bland I, Shervington D, Cross Psychotherapy Across Cultures., Annual Review of Psychiatry Vol 14. APA Press. Wash DC 511-528, 1995.