Barry Potter, PhD
New Orleans, LA 70112
Phone: (504) 568-3385
PhD - 1975
London University
Research Interests
Basic mechanisms involved in regulation of hepatic iron homeostasis
Perturbations to hepatic iron homeostasis associated with infectious diseases and alcohol abuse
Free radical generation in biological systems and Oxidative stress in cardiovascular disease.
Teaching Activities
Areas of Expertise:
GI Physiology, Immunology, Hematology General Pathophysiology
Course Directorship:
HLSC 3410, HLSC 3410 RN, HLSC 3410 CARE: Traditional/CARE/ RN-BSN Nursing Pathophysiology Courses
HLSC 6410: Advanced Pathophysiology for Nurse Practitioners
INT 220: Ethics in the Biomedical Sciences.
Selected Publications
R. Jadhav, E. Smith, T. Dodd, E. Bailey, A. DeLucia, J. Russell, R. Madison, B. Potter, K. Walsh, H. Jo, & P. Rocic: Angiotensin Type I Receptor Blockade in Conjunction with Enhanced Akt Activation Restores Coronary Collateral Growth in the Metabolic Syndrome, 300 (5): H1938-H1949 [Epub Feb 18], 2011
H. Zhang, B. Morgan, B. Potter, L. Ma, K. Dellsperger, Z. Ungvari, and C. Zhang: Resveratrol Improves Left Ventricular Diastolic Relaxation in Type 2 Diabetes by Inhibiting Oxidative/Nitrative Stress. American Journal of Physiology, Heart and Circulatory Physiology 299: H985-H994 [Epub July 30], 2010.
C. Zhang, J. Wu, X. Xu, B.J. Potter & X. Gao: Direct relationship between levels of TNF-alpha expression and endothelial dysfunction in reperfusion injury. Basic Research in Cardiology 105 (4): 453-464, 2010.