Professor and Department Head
Lederle Laboratories / David R. Bethune Professor of Pharmacology
PhD from Michigan State
Cardiovascular Pharmacology Drugs of abuse
Oxidative stress Airborne particulates
American Medical Association
American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics
Society of Toxicology
Lord, K., Moll, D., Lindsey, J.K., Mahne, S., Raman, G., Dugas, T., Cormier, S., Troxlair, D., Lomnicki, S., Dellinger, B and Varner, K.J. Environmentally persistent free radicals decrease cardiac function before and after ischemia/reperfusion injury in vivo. J. Receptor Sig. Trans. 31:157-167, 2011. PMC3152960.
Katz, PS, Trask, A.J., Souza-Smith, F.M., Hutchinson, K.P., Galantowicz, M., Lord, K.C., Stewart, J.A., Cismowski, M.J., Varner, K.J. and Lucchesi, P.A. Coronary arterioles in Type 2 diabetic (db/db) mice undergo a distinct pattern of remodeling associated with decreased vessel stiffness. Basic Res Cardiol. 106(6):1123-1134, 2011. PMC3229644.
Souza-Smith, F.M., Katz, P.S., Trask, A.J., Stewart, J.A. Jr, Lord, K.C., Varner, K.J., Vassallo,
D.V., Lucchesi, P.A. Mesenteric resistance arteries in type 2 diabetic db/db mice undergo outward remodeling. PLoS One. 6(8):e23337, 2011. PMC3150429.
Feng, Y., Hans C.P., McIlwain E., Seth D., Navar L.G., Varner K.J. and Lazartigues E. Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 over expression in the central nervous system reduces angiotensin-II-mediated-cardiac hypertrophy. PLoS One, 7(11) e48910, 2012. PMC3498357
Mahne, S., Chuang, G.C., Pankey, E., Kiruri, L., Kadowitz, P.J., Dellinger, B. and Varner, K.J. Environmentally persistent free radicals decrease cardiac function and increase pulmonary artery pressure. Am. J. Physiol. Heart and Circ. Phys. 303: H1135-1142, 2012. PMC3517644.
Varner, K.J., Daigle, K., Weed, P.F., Lewis, P.B., Mahne, S.E., Sankaranarayanan, A. and Winsauer, P.J. Comparison of the behavioral and cardiovascular effects of mephedrone with other drugs of abuse in rats. Psychopharm 225:675-685, 2012. PMC3538107.
Kelly, M., Hebert, V., Thibeaux, T., Orchard, M., Hasan, F., Cormier, S., Thevenot, P., Lomnicki, S., Varner, K., Dellinger, B., Dugas, T. Model Combustion-generated particulate matter containing persistent free radicals redox cycle to produce reactive oxygen species. Chem Res Tox, in press 2013.