School of Medicine

Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology

Grand Rounds Schedule
LSUHSC Department of OB/GYN


Date Lecture Speaker
9/4/24 Cancelled  
9/13/24 (Fri) Cancelled-Hurricane  
9/18/24 Beyond Residency Research Tara Castellano, MD
9/25/24 Special considerations in women's health: The impacts of trauma on the perinatal period and beyond Kaitlyn Catanzarite, PsyD
10/2/24 Avoiding iatrogenic nerve injury during pelvic surgery Cynthia Hall, MD
10/9/24 Congenital Syphilis: A National Crisis Staci Olister, MD & Elizabeth Lindsay, MPH
10/23/24 Revolutionizing Healthcare with AI: The Future is Now Jeffrey Ferranti, MD
10/30/24 Code Green: Finances 101 for Resident Physicians Cameron Holmes, MD (NO Chief)

Prenatal Genetic Screening and Invasive Diagnostic Testing

Ann Chau, MD
11/13/24 How can a patient improve their natural fecundity? What works and what does the science say? Shelby Howard, MD (BR Chief)
11/20/24 Evaluation and Management of Adolescents and Young Adult Women with Bleeding Disorders Tonya Wright, MD
11/27/24 Thanksgiving Holiday-Cancelled  
12/4/24 Fact or Folklore: Investigating Herbal Remedies for Labor Induction Aaliyah Keels, MD (BR Chief)
12/11/24 Ethical considerations for care in pregnancies with Trisomy 13 and 18 Maradith Skalak, MD

From Clinic to Slide: A Practical Deconstruction of the Pathology Report and Process

Ridin Balakrishnan, MD
12/25/24 Christmas Break - No Conference  
1/1/25 New Years Break - No Conference  
1/8/25 The history of generalist OBGYN surgery Keiko Leong, MD (NO chief)
1/15/25 What You Really Need to Know About Menopause Mary Claire Haver, MD
1/22/25 Cancelled  
1/29/25 Transformative Care: Understanding the unique reproductive health needs of Trans-Masculine Individuals Rachel Denneny, MD (NO Chief)
2/5/25 Operative hysteroscopy-what is the right instrument for the indicated procedure Keith Isaacson, MD
2/14/25 (FRI) Advocacy and Medical Training: A Critical Role at a Critical Time Kristyn Brandi, MD
2/19/25 Update in In-utero spina bifida repair Ramesha Papanna, M D
2/26/25 Exploring Professionalism and the Development of U.S. Gynecology through the Lens of Anarcha, Betsey and Lucy Deleso Alford, J.D., LL.M
3/5/25 Mardi Gras-Cancelled  
3/12/25 OB Anesthesia Pearls Jakayla Harrell-Mohamed, MD
3/21/25 (FRI) Gender Care and the Gynecologist Jean Amoura, MD
3/26/25 TBA Lisa Peacock, MD

Beyond the Guidelines: How Nutrition adn Microbiome Health Influence Cervical HPV Clearance

Caitlin Witt, MD (BR Chief)
4/9/25 TBA Alexandra Thomas, MD (NO Chief)
4/16/25 Surgical Ergonomics Sylvia Lobo, MD (NO Chief)
4/23/25 Maternity Leave Jonte Ellison, MD (NO Chief)
5/7/25 Biomarkers-The Future of Preeclampsia Connie Graves, MD
5/14/25 CANCELLED  

Recommendations for screening for gestational diabetes in pregnancy

Jordan Spencer, MD (BR Chief)
6/11/25 TBA Sarah Yockey, MD




Grand Rounds