Dr. Richard M. Pino will serve as Department Head for Anesthesiology
We are pleased to announce that Dr. Richard M. Pino has agreed to serve as the next Department Head for Anesthesiology. We expect him to begin in the spring. Dr. Pino is currently an Associate Professor of Anesthesiology at Harvard Medical School and an Associate Anesthetist at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH). He enjoys working with residents and CRNAs in the OR, and he is the senior editor of the 9th and 10th editions of the Clinical Anesthesia Procedures of MGH. Dr. Pino has experience as Vice Chairman for Critical Care and as the Medical Director of the Surgical ICU at MGH. He continues to be an active member of the American Society of Anesthesiologists, the Society of Critical Care Medicine (SCCM), was elected to the American College of Critical Care Medicine and is the co-author of the SCCM's Self-Assessment of Multi-professional Adult Critical Care.
Dr. Pino first joined the faculty at LSU as an Assistant Professor after he received his PhD in Anatomy from Hahnemann Medical College in Philadelphia and then completed a post-doctoral fellowship in cell biology at Wayne State University. He became a tenured Associate Professor in the Department of Cell Biology and Anatomy and was a member of the LSUHSC Faculty Senate before enrolling in medical school. He received his MD degree from LSU, where he was inducted into AOA. After his internship at Charity Hospital, he moved to Boston to complete his residency in anesthesiology and a critical care fellowship at MGH. He served as Chief Resident at MGH and joined the faculty at Harvard after completing his training.
Dr. Pino will follow Dr. James Riopelle who has admirably served as Interim Department Head for Anesthesiology since November 2019. In addition to strengthening the department’s academic activity, Dr. Pino has an interest in developing a surgical ICU service at University Medical Center and expanding ICU training for the anesthesiology residents
We are delighted to recruit him back to LSUHSC where he began his medical career, and we are excited about the future of the Department of Anesthesiology. We look forward to welcoming Dr. Pino to our campus this spring.