Paula Gregory, Ph.D. has been appointed as Assistant Dean for Medical Student Research at LSUHSC School of Medicine in New Orleans.  Her PhD research was carried out at Tulane University on cancer cytogenetics. For her postdoc, she trained at the University of Alabama at Birmingham and did further training with Dr. Francis Collins at the University of Michigan. Dr. Gregory worked at the NIH and then at The Ohio State University College of Medicine prior to joining the Department of Genetics at LSUHSC.  She has 3 NIH grants to fund summer research internships for medical students and is the Career Development Core Co-Director for LACaTS and a COBRE award.  Dr. Gregory has been the Director of the Office of Faculty Development for the past 8 years. She will continue to teach in medical school courses.  

This position was created within the Office of Student Affairs  to offer the training and resources that medical students, residents and clinical faculty need to be involved in research. The goal is to expand opportunities for research and maximize participation among our students.