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Clinical Skills Lab
- Daryl Lofaso, Ph.D., RRT, CHSE
Skills Lab Course Director -
- 504-568-4006
- 504-599-1453
- 2020 Gravier Street, Suite 602
New Orleans, LA 70112
CSI 201 Skills Lab # 2: 
Lumbar Puncture
OBJECTIVES/COMPETENCIES: At the end of this lab, students will be able to:
- Demonstrate and review appropriate Lumbar Puncture: indications, contraindications, technique, and equipment.
- Demonstrate universal precautions and sterile technique.
Read Lumbar Puncture in the Student Procedure Manual; view video on Lumbar Puncture; and Review above web pages prior to the session. Also review PowerPoint presentation on Skills Lab 2, which may be printed out as a handout. Take online pre-test prior to the "Zoom" scheduled review: pretest, discussion, and question/answer. After the Zoom session, student groups will attend a scheduled lab session for a procedure demonstration and practice. Students will report to the Skills Lab to demonstrate the procedure/skill on either an anatomical model or patient simulator.
LSU Health New Orleans – Needle Stick Injury
- Wash and clean injury/flush mucous membranes immediately.
- Assess risk.
- Characterize exposure.
- Evaluate exposure by medical history (Student Health: Source Risk Questionnaire).
- Evaluate and test exposed individuals.
- Perform Quick HIV test - this test is usually available at your nearest hospital ER. The rapid HIV test should be performed on the Source Patient.
- Decide whether or not Prophylaxis is needed.
DRESS: Comfortable Clothes
Updated: 5/1/24