School of Medicine

Process & Timeline

We have designed the process and timeline for our self-study to engage members across our community and to provide ample time for thorough review.  We have also built in specific time points to hear from our students with respect to their perspectives on the medical education program. 

  • July–December 2023: Development of self-study planning process by Accreditation Steering Committee; Identification of student team leads and members; Development and implementation of initial student survey
  • January–May 2024: Review of initial student survey data; Assignment and orientation to task for Team Leaders and Members
  • June 2024–September 2024: Data Collection and regular Team meetings
  • October 2024-December 2024: Development/implementation of ISA (Independent Student Analysis); Ongoing data collection and DCI (Data Collection Instrument) writing
  • January 2025: First draft of DCI due; ISA report for review
  • February 2025-June 2025: Follow-up on ISA issues; finalization of DCI
  • July 2025: All documents due to LCME
  • July 2025-October 2025: Site visit preparation
  • October 20-22, 2025: Site visit