Welcome to the LSUHSC Science Youth Initiative and Science Partnership Program Website! We believe that New Orleans students need a strong educational foundation in the sciences and should be introduced to professional role models from the scientific community to enhance their academic enthusiasm and opportunity for success. Students, post-doctoral fellows, staff, and faculty from all over LSUHSC-New Orleans are teaming up to making science more interesting, easier to understand, and accessible in the classroom through hands-on science activities in coordination with the school administrators and teachers based on their current curriculum! With the efforts of the Director and Co-director of the SYI and Science Partnership Program, Dr. Fern Tsien (School of Graduate Studies, LSUHSC) and Ms. Martha Cuccia (School of Public Health, LSUHSC) respectively and the entire team of SYI, we have reached more than 700 children since the inception of the program in 2009 with our partner schools: St. Peter Claver, Esperanza, Lafayette Academy, McDonough 42, Good Shepherd School, Banneker, Langston Hughes, and Medard Nelson School. To make this program more accessible, we are now introducing the online version!