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Faculty Interests Database

Guoshun Wang, PhD

School of Medicine
Microbiology, Immunology, and Parasitology / Gene Therapy Program

Grant Review Committees Served on:   NIH     Other Committees  


Keywords Associated with Work Cystic Fibrosis Cystic fibrosis (CF) innate immune defect in CF pathogenesis and gene or genomic therapy
Cystic Fibrosis; Gene Therapy and Stem Cell Therapy; Neutrophil Biology; Innate Immunity; Genome Editing and gene repair The lab is specialized in innate immunity in cystic fibrosis and other diseases, and gene and genomic therapy for disease correction.
Primary Research / Clinical / Teaching Interests Immunity, Innate Neutrophil Biology; Oxidant Biology, Oxidant-mediated microbial killing
Secondary Research / Clinical / Teaching Interests Ethanol Mechanisms underlying alcohol anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive effects
Reactive oxygen species; Chronic inflammation and Cancer development
Unique Equipment Used Neon Transfection System and Gene Editing System For transfecting mammalian cells, including primary and stem cells, with high transfection efficiency
Unique Techniques Used or Developed Techniques related to neutrophil research, hematopoietic stem cell isolation and gene editing Neutrophil isolation and study, viral vector production, Gene editing, hematopoietic stem cell isolation and transplantation.
Last Updated: 04/02/2024