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Faculty Interests Database

Richard Mize, PhD

School of Medicine
Cell Biology and Anatomy / Neuroscience Center of Excellence

Research Website:

Keywords Associated with Work Schools, Medical Instruction in medical and health professional Neuroscience courses, including for medical students, physical and occupational therapists, biomedical graduate students, and neurology clerkship and residency programs. Past research in study of brain development and function, including synaptic circuitry and plasticity.
Primary Research / Clinical / Teaching Interests Neuronal Plasticity Interest in development of axonal pathways and synaptic plasticity in mammals, including the growth of axons, formation of synaptic connections, and functional plasticity as measured by long term potentiation and long term depression. Have had a sustained interest in visual system function particularly within the superior colliculus.
Secondary Research / Clinical / Teaching Interests Programmed Instruction Have developed animated powerpoint presentations, have produced powerpoint-based podcasts, have incorporated patient videos into lecture presentations, and have used commerical movies which illustrate neurological diseases such as paralysis, Alzheimer's, depression, and multiple sclerosis. Have also introduced students to Renaissance art and opera as these art forms relate to disease and the practice of medicine.
Unique Equipment Used Electron Microscope Tomography Use of transmission electron microscopy (EM) in my research, including three-dimensional EM reconstruction, gold particle and silver enhanced EM immunocytochemistry, and computer-based mapping of neuronal and synapse distributions using the electron microscope.
Unique Techniques Used or Developed Imaging, Three-Dimensional Developed techniques to measure the density of immunocytochemical labeling using computer based imaging with the light microscope. Also helped develop techniques for the three-dimensional reconstruction of neurons and synapses at the electron microscope level.
Last Updated: 02/08/2019