Dr. Tom Lallier

Thomas E. Lallier, Ph.D.

Department of Cell Biology and Anatomy

LSUHSC Dental School
1100 Florida Avenue
New Orleans, LA 70112
Phone: (504) 619-8719
Fax: (504) 619-8741



BA Biology - 1985
University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA

PhD Developmental and Cell Biology - 1991
University of California, Irvine, CA




Research Interests

Our laboratory investigates the cellular mechanisms underlying connective tissue healing within the oral cavity.  This includes the effects of several commonly used substances that can influence periodontal disease and tissue remodeling, including; smoking, vaping, smokeless tobacco, caffeine, aspirin, hypoxia, and aging.

We are currently using an in vitro model system to examine how these factors influence cell adhesion, cell motility and the ability of these cells to exert contractile forces on collagen gels.  In this system we are examining extracellular matrix (ECM) synthesis and secretion (of collagens and other matrix glycoproteins and proteoglycans), cell-ECM receptors (integrins) and matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs).  We also examine the differentiation of these cells and the regulation of osteogenesis by such factors as BMPs, TGFβ1, and GDF5.  Our system focuses on gingival and periodontal ligament fibroblasts as a means to examine the reparative properties of connective tissue cells on tissue regeneration.  

  • Our current findings indicate that cigarette smoke extracts (CSE) selectively alters the expression of several collagens and MMPs, reducing collagen gel contraction and cell motility without perturbing cell adhesion.  Attachment of these cells to specific ECM proteins (e.g. fibronectin and collagen Type I) significantly increased their resistance to the cytotoxic effects of CSE.
  • In contrast, nicotine, vaping and smokeless tobacco extracts are significantly less cytotoxic than the combustion products of cigarettes (i.e. CSE). 
  • Physiological relevant concentrations of aspirin increase the sensitivity of these connective tissue to CSE, while hypoxia decreases its cytotoxicity.
  • We have also examined the direct cellular interactions of fibroblasts and osteoblasts with modified titanium implant surfaces, as well as other commonly used dental materials (including composites and sealants).

Research Interests--Keywords
Periodontal ligament, gingival, fibroblast, extracellular matrix, tissue remodeling, tobacco, cigarette smoke, vaping, caffeine  

Teaching Activities

  • General Histology – Dental - Course Director
  • Oral Histology – Dental - Course Director
  • General and Oral Histology – Dental Hygiene - Course Director
  • Assessing the Primary Literature - Dental - Course Director
  • Dental Rounds – Dental – D3 Course Director
  • Advanced Oral Biophysiology – Dental Residents – Course Director
  • Cell Biology and Microanatomy – Medical - Adhoc Instructor
  • Clinical Skills Integration – Medical – Group Leader
  • Research Methods – Dental Residents – Group Leader

Committees & Administrative Responsibilities

  • LSUHSC - Faculty Senate, President
  • LSUSD - Faculty Assembly, Delegate
  • LSUSD - Curriculum Committee
  • LSUSD - Strategic Planning Committee
  • LSUSD - Outcomes Assessment Committee
  • LSUSD - Faculty Development Committee
  • LSUSD - Research Council
  • LSUSM - Council on Student Professional Conduct
  • LSUSM - Clinical Anatomy Committee, Department of Cell Biology and Anatomy
  • LSUSM - Department of Cell Biology and Anatomy Committee on Faculty Recruitment
  • LSUSD – Coordinator of Student Research

Selected Publications

Lallier TE, Goldfarb BS, Maney P. (2024).  In vitro comparison of zinc-based, chlorhexidine, and essential oil mouth rinses. J Periodontol. 2024 Jul 16. https://doi.org/10.1002/JPER.23-0619 . Epub ahead of print. PMID: 39012314.

Wright, H.N., Mayer, E.T., Lallier, T.E., Maney, P. (2023).  Utilization of a Periodontal Endoscope in Nonsurgical Periodontal Therapy: A Randomized, Split-Mouth Clinical Trial.  J. Periodontology 94(8): 933-943https://doi.org/10.1002/JPER.22-0081

Hector M. Carmona, H.M., Mayer, E., Maney, P., St. Germain, J., Carmona, K., Lallier, T.E. (2022).  Outcomes of Osseodensification for Implant Placement in a Residency Program.  J West Soc Periodontology (in press).

Michaelis, J, Yu, Q., Lallier, T., Xu, X., Ballard, R.W. and Armbruster, P. (2022).  Quantifying the degree of white spot lesions on enamel caused by different commercial beverages using the Canary Caries Detection System: An in-vitro study." JODDD 16(1): 29-34. https://doi.org/10.34172/joddd.2022.005

Katsaros, T., Mayer, E., Palaiologou, A., Romero-Bustillos, M., Evans, G.H., Lallier, T.E., Maney, P. (2020).  Effect of different concentrations of commercially available mouthwashes on wound healing following periodontal surgery: a randomized controlled clinical trial.  Clin Oral Investig. 2020 Oct;24(10):3587-3595. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00784-020-03232-5. Epub 2020 Feb 19. PMID: 32076866 Clinical Trial.

Fancher, M.E., Fournier, Townsend, J., Lallier, T.E. (2019) Cytotoxic Effects of Silver Diamine Fluoride.  Amer. J Dentistry 32(3):152-156

Wang, Y., Costin, S., Zhang, J.F., Liao, S., Wen, Z.T., Lallier, T., Yu, Q, Xu, X. (2018).  Synthesis, antibacterial activity, and biocompatibility of new antibacterial dental monomers  Amer J. Dent. 31(B): 17B-23B.  https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7161594/

Wiewiora, C., Armbruster, P., Lallier, T., Ballard, R. (2018).  Effectiveness of an Extended Contact Varnish (Vanish XTTM) in Reducing the Development of White Spot Lesions During Orthodontic Treatment: An In Vitro Study.  Oral health and Preventative Dentistry  16(4) 345-350.  DOI: 10.3290/j.ohpd.a40938, PubMed-ID: 30175332

Zhang, J-F., Wang, Y., Liao, S., Lallier, T., Wen, Z.T., Xu, X. (2017).  Photo-cross-linked Antibacterial Zein Nanofibers Fabricated by Reactive Electrospinning and its Effects against Streptococcus mutans. Oral Health and Dental Studies. 2017; 1(1). http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/pmc6409179/

Scott, M., Zilinski, G.S., Kirkpatrick, T.C., Himel, V.T, Sabey, K.A., Lallier, T.E. (2018).  The Effects of Irrigants on the Survival of Human Stem Cells of the Apical Papilla, Including Endocyn.  J Endodontics 2018 Feb;44(2):263-268  doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.joen.2017.09.001

Lallier, T.E., Moylan, J.T., Maturin, E. (2017).  Greater Sensitivity of Oral Fibroblasts to Smoked vs. Smokeless Tobacco.  J Periodontics Jul 14:1-17. https://doi.org/10.1902/jop.2017.170232

Herman, J.L., Wang, Y., Lilly, E., Lallier, T., Hamdan, S., Xu, X., Fidel, P.F., Noverr, M.C. (2017)  Synthesis, Antifungal Activity, and Biocompatibility of novel DABCO Compounds and DABCO containing Denture Base Resins.  Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2017 Mar 24;61(4). pii: e02575-16. https://doi.org/10.1128/aac.02575-16

Lallier, T.E., Maturin, E., Brady, M., Stoute, D., Ward, T. (2015).  Resistance to Cigarette Smoke is Increased in PDL Cells by Attachment to Collagen and Fibronectin.  J Periodontology 2015 86(1):91-100.  https://doi.org/10.1902/jop.2014.140319

Lallier, TE.  (2014) Introducing Evidence Based Dentistry to Dental Students using Histology. J Dent Educ 78 (3): 380-388.

Accardo, C., Himel, V.T., and Lallier, TE. (2014). A Novel GuttaFlow Sealer Supports Cell Survival and Attachment.  J Endodontics 40(2):231-4.  doi: 10.1016/j.joen.2013.08.029. Epub 2013 Oct 15.

Aasen, K.L., Bergeron, B.E., Roberts, M.D., Himel, V.T, Lallier, T.E., and Sabey, K.A.  (2013).  Comparison of isthmus debris removal using three different irrigation techniques.  Endodontic Practice 6(4)

Mitchell, Q., Jeansonne, B.G., Stoute, D., and Lallier, T.E. (2013).  Electrochemical Dissolution of NiTi Endo Files Induces PDL Cell Death.  J Endodontics 39(5):679-84.  doi: 10.1016/j.joen.2012.12.013. Epub 2013 Jan 27.

Macway, S., Lallier, T.E. (2013).  Pedialyte® promotes periodontal ligament cell survival and motility. J Endodontics 39(2) 202-207.  doi: 10.1016/j.joen.2012.09.021. Epub 2012 Nov 17.

Tsourounakis, I., Palaiologou, A., Stoute, D., Maney, P., Lallier, T.E. (2013).  Dilute Essential Oil Mouthwashes Promote Gingival Fibroblast Migration.  J. Periodontology.  Aug;84(8):1211-20.  doi: 10.1902/jop.2012.120312. Epub 2012 Oct 29.

Fan, Y., Wen, Z.T., Sun, Z., Hagan, J.L, Lallier, T., Liao, S., Xu, X. (2013).  Novel amelogenin-releasing hydrogel for remineralization of enamel artificial caries.  J Bioact Compat Polym. 27(6):585-603.

Wang, Y., Samoei, G.K., Lallier, T.E., and Xu .X. (2013)  Synthesis and Characterization of New Antibacterial Fluoride-Releasing Monomer and Dental Composite  ACS Macro Letters. 2(1):59-62.

Bulmanski, Z., Brady, M. Stoute, D., and Lallier, T.E. (2012).  Cigarette Smoke Extract Induces Select MMP and Integrin Expression in Periodontal Ligament Fibroblasts.  J Periodontology 83(6):787-96.  doi: 10.1902/jop.2011.110395. Epub 2011 Nov 28.

Palaiologou, A., Stoute, D., Fan, Y. and Lallier, T.E. (2012).  Modifications of Titanium Surfaces Alter Periodontal Cell Attachment and Motility.  J. Periodontology. 83:1 90-100.  doi: 10.1902/jop.2011.100733. Epub 2011 Apr 12.

Wu, R., Zhang, J.F., Fan, Y., Stoute, D., Lallier, T.E., and Xu, X. (2011)  Reactive electrospinning and biodegradation of cross-linked methacrylated polycarbonate nanofibers.  Biomedical Materials 6 (3):035004.  doi: 10.1088/1748-6041/6/3/035004. Epub 2011 Apr 15.

Spencer, A.Y. and Lallier, T.E., (2009).  Mechanical Tension Alters Semaphorin Expression in the Periodontium.  J Periodontology  80(10): 1665-1673.  doi: 10.1902/jop.2009.090212.