Academic Office:
LSUHSC School of Medicine
2020 Gravier St, Room 734
New Orleans, LA 70112
Instructor-Research, Department of Physiology, LSUHSC-NO
Postdoctoral training in Neuropharmacology, LSUHSC-NO
Postdoctoral training in Psychopharmacology, Tufts University
Postdoctoral training in Neuropsychopharmacology, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
Ph.D. in Psychobiology, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
M.S. in Psychobiology, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
B.S. in Biology Education, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
B.S. in Biology, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
BS, Biology
University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
Honors thesis: One-trial tolerance to midazolam and antinociception in rats submitted
to the elevated plus-maze test
Mentor: Marcus L. Brandao
BS, Biology Education
University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
MS, Psychobiology
Department of Psychology, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
Thesis: Serotonergic modulation of exploratory behavior in rats submitted to test
and retest in the elevated plus-maze
Mentor: Marcus L. Brandao
PhD, Psychobiology
Department of Psychology, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
Dissertation: Hormonal, cognitive and neuroanatomical factors associated with the
exploratory behavior of rats submitted to test and retest in the elevated plus maze
Mentor: Marcus L. Brandao
Post-Doctoral Fellowships
Postdoctoral Fellow
Department of Psychology, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
Research project: The role of dopaminergic mechanisms in the nucleus accumbens on
the expression of conditioned fear in rats
Mentor: Marcus L. Brandao
Postdoctoral Fellow
Department of Psychology, Tufts University, Boston-MA
Research project: Evaluation of ventral tegmental area CRF mechanisms in stress-induced
escalation of cocaine and alcohol intake in rodents. Mentor: Klaus A. Miczek
Lucas Albrechet-Souza, PhD
Postdoctoral Fellow
Department of Physiology, LSUHSC, New Orleans-LA
Research project: The role of BLA interneurons and endocannabinoid signaling in mediating
post-stress escalation of alcohol drinking in rats
Mentor: Nicholas W. Gilpin
Affiliated Hospitals & Clinics
LSUHSC School of Medicine
Albrechet-Souza L, Nastase AS, Hill MN, Gilpin NW. Amygdalar endocannabinoids are affected by predator odor stress in a sex-specific manner and modulate acoustic startle reactivity in female rats. Neurobiology of Stress 15: 100387, 2021.
Albrechet-Souza L, Schratz CL, Gilpin NW. Sex differences in traumatic stress reactivity
in rats with and without a history of alcohol drinking. Biology of Sex Differences
11: 27, 2020.
Albrechet-Souza L, Gilpin NW. The predator odor avoidance model of post-traumatic
stress disorder in rats. Behavioural Pharmacology 30: 105-14, 2019.
Albrechet-Souza L, Viola TW, Grassi-Oliveira R, Miczek KA, De Almeida RMM. Corticotropin
releasing factor in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis in socially defeated and
non-stressed mice with a history of chronic alcohol intake. Frontiers in Pharmacology
8: 762, 2017.
Albrechet-Souza L, Hwa LS, Han X, Zhang EY, DeBold JF, Miczek KA. Corticotropin releasing
factor binding protein and CRF 2 receptors in the ventral tegmental area: Modulation
of ethanol binge drinking in C57BL/6J mice. Alcoholism, Clinical and Experimental
Research 39: 1609-18, 2015.