Vamsi Boyapati |
Education :
Research Focus Areas
Peer reviewed publicationsBodoor, K. Vamsi Boyapati, et al., Design and implementation of an ribonucleic acid (RNA) directed fragment library. J Med Chem, 2009. 52(12): p. 3753-61. Wei Huang, Joohyun Kim, Shantenu Jha, Fareed Aboul-ela, Vamsi Boyapati, Dynamics differences of SAM-I riboswitch aptamer between SAM bound and without SAM: insight into conformational rearrangement. FASEB J. 23: 842.1 Vamsi K Boyapati, Jessica Spedale, Wei Huang, Fareed Aboul-Ela Basis for ligand discrimination between ON and OFF state riboswitch conformations: the case of the SAM-I riboswitch. RNA, 2012. 18(6): p.1230-1243. Conference Papers and postersACS Regional Meeting, Houston, Tx-USA (Oct 2006): Poster Title: “Design of small molecule RNA binding compound library: An In silico approach”. By Vamsi Boyapati, Vikram Gopu, and Fareed Aboul-ela. RNA Society Annual Meeting, Wisconsin, MD-USA (May 2007): Poster Title: “Design of an RNA-Directed Small Molecule “Fragment” Library” by Fareed Aboul-ela, Vamsi Boyapati and Vikram Gopu. ACS National Meeting, New Orleans LA-USA (April 2008): Poster Title: “Computational Study of Conformational Switching of S-box Riboswitch” by Wei Huang, Fareed Aboul-ela, Shantenu Jha and Vamsi Boyapati. CHI Conference on Structure-Based Drug Design, Boston, MA-USA (June 2008): Poster Title: “Design of an RNA-Directed Small Molecule “Fragment” Library” by Fareed Aboul-ela, Vamsi Boyapati and Vikram Gopu. Zing Nucleic Acids Conference, Cancun-Mexico (Feb 2009): Poster Title: “Design of an RNA-Directed Small Molecule “Fragment” Library” by Fareed Aboul-ela, Vamsi Boyapati and Vikram Gopu. RNA Society Annual Meeting Seattle, WA-USA (June 2010): Poster Title: “The ON Conformation of the SAM-I Riboswitch and Design of Novel Riboswitch Binding Small Molecules” by Vamsi Boyapati, Wei Huang and Fareed Aboul-ela. Zing Nucleic Acids Conference, Cancun-Mexico (November 2010): Poster Title: “Bridging the Gap between “ON” State and “OFF” State of the SAM-I Riboswitch” by Wei Huang, Vamsi Boyapati, Sunayana Mitra, Jooyun Kim, Shantenu Jha, Fareed Aboul-ela. RNA Society Annual Meeting Ann Arbor, MI-USA (June 2012): Poster Title: “Microsecond Timescale Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Ligand-Induced Strand Migration in an S-Adenosyl Methionine Riboswitch” by Wei Huang, Vamsi Boyapati, Fareed Aboul-Ela, Shantenu Jha, Jooyun Kim. New Orleans Protein Folding Intergroup (New Orleans, Louisiana- USA), March 2013 : “Study of Complex RNA Function Modulated by Small Molecules: The Development of RNA Directed Small Molecule Library and Probing the S-Adenosyl Methionine Discrimination between ON and OFF Conformational States of the SAM-I riboswitch” by Vamsi Boyapati.