School of Medicine

Department of Anesthesiology


Anesthesia Simulation Program


2012 2:00:04 PM


Welcome to the anesthesia simulation training course!  This experience will be of great benefit to you and the patients you will manage in the future.

The goal of the anesthesia simulation program is to provide the residents with realistic experiences of management of different anesthesia related conditions. This will allow the residents to improve their skills in patient evaluation, recognize potential complications during anesthesia, diagnose and manage conditions and complications, and enhance their interpersonal communication skills. Residents will develop basic knowledge and judgment relating to pharmacology and drug interactions on a normal person and a person with different co-existing medical conditions, principles and methods of differential diagnosis and troubleshooting of different complications, clinical algorithms of management of different intraoperative emergencies, and post-operative patient assessment and management.

Dr. Melville Wyche, Director, organizes and is responsible for the anesthesia simulation training program.  Simulation training is held every Wednesday on the 6th floor of the Lions Eye Center.


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