Request for Applications for Pilot Project Funding
FUNDING OPPORTUNITY: The Alcohol & Drug Abuse Center of Excellence is accepting applications for its Pilot Project Program. We anticipate awarding a single one-year award with a budget that does not exceed $15,000.
SUBMISSION DEADLINE: Monday, October 18, 2021
PURPOSE: The purpose of this call for ADACE pilot grants is to solicit translational proposals that examine any aspect of alcohol or drug abuse. Each application must be a collaboration between a basic scientist and a clinical partner.
Eligibility: All full-time faculty members in the LSUHSC School of Medicine are eligible to apply as submitting PI. Co-I's need not be LSUHSC SoM faculty.
Application Instructions:
Research Plan. Not to exceed 3 pages. This section must clearly identify how data generated will be used to apply for extramural funding, complete a study, publish a manuscript, or for an alternative purpose.
NIH-style Biosketch. Other Support should indicate effort and total direct costs during funding period.
Budget. Detailed budget including justification should be submitted. Funds are not to exceed $15,000. Allowable costs include: Supplies, and salary support for research personnel (i.e., student worker, research associate). Costs not allowed include travel and salary support for the PI. Sub-contracts outside LSUHSC SoM are not allowed.
Submission: Proposals should be submitted electronically as a single PDF file including the three items above to Melissa Prestwood at no later than Monday, October 18, 2021
Please note: Applications do not need to be routed through the LSUHSC Office of Research Services for signatures prior to submission, but note that proof of IBC, IRB, and/or IACUC approval will be requested prior to release of funds.
Review/Evaluation Process: Proposals will be peer-reviewed by a committee of LSUHSC scientists that will make funding recommendations to the ADACE Steering Committee. In the review process, interview and/or seminar-like presentations may be requested of applicants, especially if ADACE Steering members are not familiar with the applicant and the area of research proposed.
Criteria for Review/Evaluation of Applications: Applications will be prioritized using the following criteria:
Fundability: Are the results obtained from this pilot study likely to lead to competitive federal grant applications? Does the study address a significant problem to the alcohol and drug abuse research field, and/or use novel approaches, and/or challenge existing ideas, and/or develop new methodologies?
Fit: Will the proposed work enhance alcohol and drug abuse research at LSUHSC, either by enhancing current areas of strength, creating new collaborations, and/or creating synergy between ongoing strengths in multiple research groups?
Approach: Are the overall approach, design, methods and analysis adequately developed and appropriate to address the aims of the study? Will the data generated by the proposed project produce a dataset that is likely to support a competitive federal grant application? Is this plan explicitly described in the proposal?
Investigator(s): Is he/she appropriately trained and experienced in the research area to carry out the proposed work? Does he/she have the track record that would warrant extramural funding based on the data obtained?
Please note: Although helpful, preliminary data is not required for these applications.
Funding Decision: Awards will be announced in December 2021. Funding is anticipated to start in January/February 2022 contingent on approval by appropriate institutional committees (IRB for human research, IACUC for animal research, IBC).
Progress: A mid-year written progress report must be submitted to ADACE leadership by May 1, 2022. The Project PI will be expected to give a short oral presentation on the results of this work at a future ADACE Annual Retreat.