John Amoss
Clinical Associate Professor
Medicine - Hospital Medicine
- jamoss@lsuhsc.edu
- Medicine
Academic Office:
LSUHSC School of Medicine
1542 Tulane Avenue,
New Orleans, LA 70112
I graduated from LSU Medical School in 1991. I completed my residency in Internal Medicine in 1994 training primarily at 'old' Charity Hospital. In 1997, I became the first hospitalist to join the faculty of LSU Medicine. In 2000, I became The New Orleans Saints Team Internist. In 2010, I was appointed head of the newly created section of Hospital Medicine. Our section now has 14 full-time hospitalist and 7 part-time hospitalist.
My primary interest is in medical education and specifically in medical decision making and medical errors. My teaching style is demanding but fair. I try to teach the habits that will lead to success in internal medicine and how to make difficult decisions in the setting of uncertainty.
I am an old school clinician who identifies as an internist first and a hospitalist second. I believe that medicine is a calling and as such requires a commitment that goes well beyond the long hours spent on the job. The path to excellence in internal medicine rest with a solid foundation in physiology and pathophysiology. Those students and residents willing to spend the time after their 'work' is done learning the craft of internal medicine will be on this path.
1987 - B.A.
Williams College
Willamstown, Massachusetts
1991 - M.D.
LSU Medical Center
New Orleans, Louisiana
LSU Medical Center
New Orleans, Louisiana
1994 - Internal Medicine
LSU Medical Center
New Orleans, Louisiana
Affiliated Hospitals & Clinics
- Touro Infirmary
- University Medical Center
- Ochsner Kenner Medical Center
- Ochsner Medical Center, Main Campus
1. McElveen M, Walters D, Amoss J, Lopez F, DeBoisblanc B. Post-Tussive Syncope in a 39-year-old Intravenous Drug User, Journal of Louisiana State Medical Society 2003; 155:19-22
2. Amoss, J. Attending Rounds: Where Do We Go From Here?: Comment on “Attending Rounds in the Current Era”, JAMA Internal Medicine; 2013; 173 (12):1089-1090
1. Thayalakulasingam T, Njoku A, Hamide J, Amoss J, Currie E. Pulmonary Alveolar Microlithiasis, Journal of the Louisiana State Medical Society 2010; 162:73
2. Patel J, Grewal H, Engel LS, Amoss J. Not Just Back Pain, Journal of Investigative Medicine 2011; 59(2):437
3. Wright B, Borissov M, Engel L, Amoss J. The Masquerader: Isolated Paroxysmal Symptoms in Pheochromocytoma, Journal of Investigative
Medicine 2011; 59(2):416
4. Narula T, Raza A, Narula N, Amoss J. Risky Aesthetics – A Case of Silicone Embolism Syndrome, Chest 2011; 140:4
5. McCarron R E, Amoss J. Atrial Flutter in Thyroid Storm, Southern Society for Clinical Investigation Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, Feb 2012
6. McCarron R E, Amoss J. The BMP from Hell: A Case of Severe Hypokalemia and Metabolic Alkalosis, Southern Society for Clinical Investigation Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, Feb 2012
7. Spinks K, Arbour A, Engel LS, and Amoss J. “Recipe for Admission: Atypical Chest Pain and Incorrect Lead Placement.” J Invest Med. 62(2): 447, 2014.
8. Bojannowski CM, Beck S, Krauland J, Engel LS, and Amoss J. “Intracranial Tuberculoma in a Patient Presenting with Confusion and Hemiparesis.” J Invest Med. 62(2): 466, 2014.
9. Bojannowski CM, Krauland J, Gruber M, Engel LS, and Amoss J. “Histoplasmosis and Mycobacterium kansasii presenting as a Recurrent Pleural Effusion.”
J Invest Med. 62(2): 466-467, 2014.
10. Smith MM, Tadin D, Lynch KD, Crowe JL, Engel LS, and Amoss J. “A Probable case of West Nile Virus Fatal Meningoencephalitis.” J Invest Med.
63(2): 385, 2015.
11. Hudson C, Chau H, Engel LS, and Amoss J. “Locked In syndrome: An Unfortunate ischemic Event”. J Invest Med. 65(2): 503,
12. Gregg C, Bruno J, Laskey M, Gaines J, Engel LS, and Amoss J. An unexpected cause of acute renal failure” J Invest Med. 62(2): 550, 2018.
13. Werner S, Ziada ME,Phillips H, McCormick A, Engel LS and Amoss J. “A case of Pericarditis and Cardiac Tamponade” J Invest Med. 67(2):371,2019.
14. Harris CH, Garikepati R, Engel LS, and Amoss J. “Hypocalcemia in the Setting of Primary Hypoparathyroidism” J Invest Med. 67(2): 402, 2019.
15. Ziada ME, McCormick A, Werner S, Phillips H, Engel LS, and Amoss J. “Cryptococcus Meningitis in an Immunocompetent Patient” J Invest Med. 67 (2): 468, 2019.
16. McPeters R, Thorne T, Joshi T, Bilalis M, Turkish L, Amoss J, Engel LS, and Landrenau S. “A case of Purtscher’s Retinopathy Secondary to Acute Alcohol Induced Pancreatitis” J Invest Med. 68 (2): 488-489, 2020.