Academic Office:
LSUHSC School of Medicine
2021 Perdido St, 5th floor
New Orleans, LA 70112
Clinical Office:
University Medical Center, Cardiology Clinic
2000 Canal St,
New Orleans, LA 70112
Murtuza “Zee” Ali is a native of New Orleans, and an alumnus of Trinity University in San Antonio, Texas, and the LSU School of Medicine in New Orleans, Louisiana. After medical school, he completed his residency in internal medicine at Stanford University and fellowships in Cardiology and Interventional Cardiology at Boston University.
Upon completion of his training, he joined the faculty of LSU School of Medicine achieving the rank of Professor of Clinical Medicine in 2019. In addition to a clinical practice in general and interventional cardiology, he teaches students, residents, and fellows who rotate with him on rounds or during angiography and angioplasty procedures. In conjunction with colleagues within Internal Medicine and the Department of Pharmacology, he is involved in clinical research trials pertaining to heart failure, atherosclerosis and acute myocardial injury, and pulmonary hypertension.
He serves as a reviewer for various peer-reviewed publications, is a member of the American Heart Association’s Mission: Lifeline Advisory Work Group, and serves on the American College of Cardiology’s ACTION Review and Publications Committee.
Trinity University
San Antonio, Texas
LSU School of Medicine
New Orleans, Louisiana
Internal Medicine
Boston Medical Center
Boston, Massachusetts
Cardiovascular Disease
Boston Medical Center
Boston, Massachusetts
Inverventional Cadiology
Boston Medical Center
Boston, Massachusetts
Affiliated Hospitals & Clinics
- University Medical Center
- Touro Infirmary
- East Jefferson Medical Center
1. Ababneh BA, Ali MJ, Lopez F. A 56-year-old man with sudden onset abdominal pain. J La State Med Soc.
2016; 168(3): 63-65.
2. Donnarumma E, Ali MJ, Rushing AM, Scarborough AL, Bradley JM, Organ CL, Islam KN, Polhemus DJ, Evangelista
Cirino G, Jenkins JS, Patel RA, Lefer DJ, Goodchild TT. Zofenopril protects against
myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury by increasing nitric oxide and hydrogen sulfide
bioavailability. J Am Heart Assoc. 2016; 5(7): e003531.
3. Mathews R, Wang W, Kaltenbach LA, Thomas L, Shah RU, Ali MJ, Peterson ED, Yang TY. Hospital variation in adherence rates to secondary prevention medications and the implications on quality. Circulation. 2018; 137: 2128-2138.
4. Ababneh BA, Ravipati V, Ali MJ, Lopez F. A 65-year-old woman with left main artery thrombosis. J La State Med Soc. 2018; 170(3): 92-94.
5. Rodriguez F, Lincoln T, Peters CL, Blady D, Pruitt ER, McGoey R, Ali MJ. Innovating graduate medical education at the clinical environment. J La State Med Society. 2018; 170(3): 79-82.
6. Jakkoju A, Rahman M, Ali MJ, Lopez F. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy masquerading as critical aortic stenosis in a patient with bicuspid aortic valve. J La State Med Society. 2018; 170(5): 138-140.
7. Mathews R, Wang W, Kaltenbach LA, Thomas L, Shah RU, Ali M, Peterson ED, Wang TY. Hospital Variation in Adherence Rates to Secondary Prevention Medications and the Implications on Quality. Circulation 2018 May 15;137(20):2128-2138. doi: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.117.029160. PMID: 29386204
8. Sharp TE 3rd, Gong Z, Scarborough A, Goetzman ES, Ali MJ, Spaletra P, Lefer DJ, Muzumdar RH, Goodchild TT. Efficacy of a Novel Mitochondrial-Derived Peptide in a Porcine Model of Myocardial Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury. JACC Basic Transl Sci. 2020 Jun 17;5(7):699-714. doi: 10.1016/j.jacbts.2020.04.015. eCollection 2020 Jul.PMID: 32760857
9. Jacobs et al, on behalf of: AHA Mission: Lifeline and GWTG-CAD Advisory Workgroup and the Council on Clinical Cardiology’s Committee on Acute Cardiac Care and General Cardiology and Interventional Cardiovascular Care. Temporary Emergency Guidance to STEMI Systems of Care during the COVID-19 Pandemic: AHA’s Mission: Lifeline. Circulation. 2020; 142(3): 199-202. Doi: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.120.048180. PMID: 32363905
10. Jacobs AK, Ali MJ, Best PJ, Bieniarz MC, Bufalino VJ, French WJ, Henry TD, Hollowell L, Jauch EC, Kurz MC, Levy M, Patel P, Spier T, Stone RH, Tataris KL, Thomas RJ, Zègre-Hemsey JK; on behalf of the American Heart Association Advocacy Coordinating Committee. Systems of care for ST-segment–elevation myocardial infarction: a policy statement from the American Heart Association. CIRCULATION 2021;144:e1-e18. doi: 10.1161/CIR.0000000000001025. PMID: 34641735