Academic Office:
LSUHSC School of Medicine
2021 Perdido St, 5th floor
New Orleans, LA 70112
Clinical Office:
LSU Healthcare Network St. Charles Multispecialty Clinic
3700 St Charles Ave, 5th Floor
New Orleans, LA 70115
504-412-1520, phone
504-412-1161, fax
After completing Internal Medicine residency and fellowships in Cardiology and Clinical Cardiac Electrophysiology at Boston University, I joined the faculty at LSU Health Sciences in 2011. As an Associate Professor in Clinical Medicine, I am actively involved in education for Cardiovascular Disease and Electrophysiology fellows. My clinical interests include management of simple and complex arrhythmias, including atrial fibrillation, ventricular tachycardia, and supraventricular tachycardias, device therapy, including implantation of implantable defibrillators, treatment of heart failure with cardiac resynchronization therapy and physiologic pacing. I also have a particular interest in the use of Stereotaxis robotic technology for treatment of cardiac arrhythmias.
1996-1999 - B.A., summa cum laude, in Medical Science
Boston University
Boston, Massachusetts
1999-2003 - M.D.
Boston University School of Medicine
Boston, Massachusetts
2003-2004 - Internal Medicine
Boston Medical Center
Boston, Massachusetts
2004-2006 - Internal Medicine
Boston Medical Center
Boston, Massachusetts
Chief Residency:
2006-2007 - Internal Medicine
Boston Medical Center
Boston, Massachusetts
2007-2010 - Cardiovascular Disease
Boston Medical Center
Boston, Massachusetts
2010-2011 - Clinical Cardiac Electrophysiology
Boston Medical Center
Boston, Massachusetts
Affiliated Hospitals & Clinics
- University Medical Center
- Touro Infirmary
- East Jefferson General Hospital
1. Noseworthy P, Malchano ZJ, Ahmed J, Holmvang G, Ruskin JN, Reddy VY, “The Impact of Respiration on Left Atrial and Pulmonary
Veinous Anatomy: Implications for Image-Guided Intervention.” Heart Rhythm. 2005 Nov;
2. Ahmed J, Sohal S, Malchano ZJ, Holmvang G, Ruskin JN, Reddy VY, “Three-Dimensional Analysis
of Left Atrial and Pulmonary Vein Anatomy: Implications for Balloon Catheter-based
Pulmonary Vein Isolation.” J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol 2006; 17, 1-5.
3. Ahmed J, LeLorier PL, Monahan KM. “The Ghost in the Machine: Inhibition of Tachyarrhythmia
Therapy Due to Phantom Crosstalk.” Pac and Clin Electrophysiol. 2011 Jul;34(7):909-11.
4. Hanna E, Ahmed J. “Prolonged QT Interval With T-wave Alternans: Electrocardiographic-Based Differential
Diagnosis.” Am J Med Sci. 2013 Aug;346(2):128.
5. Glancy DL, Ahmed J, Ayalloore SG, LeLorier PA, Diwan PM, Helmcke FR. “ECG of the month. Irregular rhythm
in a 25-year-old man with three prior cardiac operations. Coarse atrial fibrillation
with a rapid ventricular response, left anterior fascicular block, left ventricular
hypertrophy with repolarization abnormality.” J La State Med Soc. 2013 Jan-Feb;165(1):40-1.
6. Hanna EB, Ahmed J, McShurley TD, Glancy DL. “Irregular Rhythms and Wide QRS Complexes.” Am J Cardiol.
2015 Mar 14 pii: S0002-9149(15)00912-1.
7. Subramaniam PN, Ahmed J, Glancy DL. “Presenting complaint of a low heart rate.” Am J Cardiol. 2015 Nov 15;116(10):1643-4.
doi: 10.1016/j.amjcard.2015.08.032. Epub 2015 Sep 3.
8. Hoang AP, Ahmed J, Glancy DL. “Atypical Initiation of Typical AVNRT with a Ventricular Couplet” Am
J Cardiology. 2016 Jun 26: pii S0002-9149(16)31099-2 (epub ahead of print)
9. Ahmed J, Deeprasertkul P, Monahan KM, LeLorier P. “Racial Differences in Response to Tilt-Table
Testing in Patients Referred for Tilt Table Testing” J La State Med Soc. 2016 Nov-Dec;
10. Seifu SA, Ahmed J, Wilklow FE, Jain N, Yount RD, Subramaniam PN, Glancy DL. “Type I Second Degree Atrioventricular
Block in a Woman with Remote Repair of a Ventricular Septal Defect.” Am J Cardiol
2018 Sep 15;122(6):1111-1112.
11. Drutel, R., Jakkoju A, Ahmed J. (2020). "Sudden Cardiac Arrest from Flecainide Toxicity: A Case Report." Journal
of the American College of Cardiology 75(11 Supplement 1): 2710.
12. Levitt, DE, Ferguson, TF, Primeaux, SD, Zavala, JA, Ahmed, J, Marshall, RH, Simon, L, and Molina, PE. (accepted). Muscle bioenergetic health and
function in people living with HIV: Association with glucose tolerance and alcohol
use. American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology.
Book Chapters:
1. Ahmed J, Philippides G. (2010). Swan Ganz Catheters and Cardiac Hemodynamics. In G. Levine,
Cardiology Secrets (3rd ed., pp. 80-88). Philadelphia, PA: Mosby Elsevier.
2. Ahmed J., and LeLorier P. Atrial Tachycardia-Mechanisms and Management, 2018. In: Vasan R.,
Sawyer, D.(eds.) The Encyclopedia of Cardiovascular Research and Medicine, vol.[1],
pp. 212-223. Oxford: Elsevier.
Title: PRE-DETERMINE: Biologic Markers and Sudden Cardiac Death Study
Location: LSU Health Sciences, New Orleans, Louisiana
Role: Local Primary Investigator
Dates: 2012-2013
Title: Global Registry on Long-Term Anti-Thrombotic Treatment in Patients with
Atrial Fibrillation
Location: LSU Health Sciences, New Orleans, Louisiana
Role: Local Primary Investigator
Dates: 2012-2013
Title: Understanding the Patient and Caregiver Experience of Direct Cardioversion
and Establishing the Content Validity of the Atrial Fibrillation Symptoms
(AFSympTM) Questionnaire in Patients with Acute Atrial Fibrillation
Location: LSU Health Sciences, New Orleans, Louisiana
Role: Local Primary Investigator
Dates: 2012-2013
Title: An observational study assessing the management of gastrointestinal and
urogenital bleeding events in patients with non valvular atrial fibrillation treated
with dabigatran etexilate
Location: LSU Health Sciences, New Orleans, Louisiana
Role: Local Primary Investigator
Dates: 2014-2015
Title: Alcohol & Metabolic Comorbidities in PLWHA: Evidence Driven Interventions ALIVE-Ex
Location: LSU Health Sciences, New Orleans, Louisiana
Role: Co- Investigator
Dates: 2019-present