Kidney Cancer Risk List

Weight and Kidney Cancer

People who maintain a healthy weight have a lower risk of kidney cancer. Scientists aren't sure why.

People who maintain a healthy weight also have a lower risk of colon cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and stroke. And women have a lower risk of breast cancer and uterine cancer.

Smoking Cigarettes and Kidney Cancer

People who smoke cigarettes have a higher risk of kidney cancer. When they inhale, chemicals filter into their urine. Urine is made in the kidneys. The chemicals cause cells in the kidneys to become cancerous.

People who smoke cigarettes have a higher risk of cancers of the lung, bladder, kidney, pancreas, lip, mouth, tongue, larynx, throat, and esophagus. Women who smoke have a higher risk of cervical cancer.

People who smoke even have a higher risk of other diseases like heart disease, diabetes, stroke, bone loss (osteoporosis), emphysema, and bronchitis!

Family History and Kidney Cancer

People who have a mother, father, brother, or sister with kidney cancer have a higher risk of the disease. This is because some kidney cancer is linked to mutations in the genetic structure (DNA) of the body's cells. These mutations can be passed on from generation to generation.

With many diseases, people who have a family history have a higher risk. A family history raises the risk of several cancers like lung, breast, prostate, colon, bladder, uterine, ovarian, kidney, stomach, pancreatic, and skin cancer. It also raises the risk of heart disease, diabetes, bone loss (osteoporosis), and stroke.