Welcome to the Morphology and Imaging Core.

The purpose of our core is to assist investigators requiring detection, imaging, and morphometric analysis of gene and protein expression in any type of cell or tissue in vitro and in vivo. Our main goal is to assure high quality and consistent reproducibility underpinned by expert advice on experimental design and interpretation to produce valid imaging data for presentations, publications, and grant proposals. Our state of the art histopathology and biomedical imaging services are available but not limited to all LSUHSC-NO departments and affiliates.

Luis Marrero, PhD - Director


In addition to housing manual and automated modules for processing fixed and frozen material for routine histopathology, special stains, and immunochemistry, our core is equipped with various state-of-the-art imaging devices. These systems allow multidimensional visualization, detection, and quantitation of biological factors anywhere from subcellular structures to tissue compartments and anesthetized small mammals.

Services and Fees

Group A Services (Imaging):

  • Transmitted light microscopy - $19.66/hr (labor not included)
  • Epifluorescence microscopy - $32.02/hr (labor not included)
  • Stereo microscopy (brightfield and fluor) - $33.30/hr (labor not included)
  • Deconvolution microscopy - $52.03/hr (labor not included)
  • Confocal microscopy - $55/hr (labor not included)
  • Multiphoton microscopy - $104.96/hr (labor not included)
  • micro-CT (in vivo and ex vivo) - $512.82/hr (labor not included)
  • Biophotonic imaging (in vivo) - $59.97/hr (labor not included)
  • Laser capture microdissection - $74.09/hr (labor not included)
  • Operation/Analysis/Interpretation (i.e. Assisted Labor) - $43.04/hr (add to equipment cost)

  • Group B Services (Routine Histopathology):

  • Sample Dissection and/or Handling - $4.89/sample
  • Paraffin Processing - $5.80/sample
  • Paraffin Embedding - $4.81/block
  • Paraffin Sectioning - $4.95/slide (limited to 1-4 sections per slide)
  • Deparaffinization - $8.17/slide
  • Dehydration and Clearing - $8.17/slide
  • Cryosectioning - $8.17/slide
  • H&E - Paraffin - $7.77/slide
  • H&E - Frozen (code: APFSHE-B) - $7.77/slide

  • Group C Services (Advanced Histopathology):

  • Special Stain I - $8.17/slide (e.g., PAS, Oil Red O)
  • Special Stain II - $8.17/slide (e.g., AFB, Safranin O)
  • Special Stain III - $9.76/slide (e.g., Trichrome, Alcian Blue)
  • Heat Induced Epitope Retrieval - $7.77/slide
  • Indirect Immunoperoxidase - $8.57/slide (client must provide primary Ab)
  • Indirect Immunofluorescence - $8.97/slide (client must provide primary Ab)
  • Nuclear Fluorescent Counterstains - $7.57/slide (e.g., DAPI)
  • Cytoplasmic Fluorescent Counterstains - $7.57/slide (e.g., phallodin)

  • Contact

    We are available to answer any questions regarding sample preparation, experimental design, technique, and interpretation of results. Please include as much information about your proposed experiment in the box below. Thank you.