5th Annual Quality Improvement & Patient Safety Forum

Mark Rolfsen, LSUSOM Student presents his poster to Dr. Randy Roig, Deputy Associate Chief of Staff for Education, SELA Veterans Services and 2017 QI Forum Judge

The 5th Annual LSU School of Medicine Quality Improvement & Patient Safety Forum was held on Thursday, June 1 in the Learning Center.  The featured keynote speaker was quality expert Maren Batalden, MD, MPH, from Cambridge Health Alliance in Boston. Dr. Batalden’s presentation, Coproducing Healthcare Value, was well-received by over 75 interprofessional, multi-institutional learners.  Her unique concept of coproduction offered guests an inspiring perspective on employing interprofessional teams and multi-modal approaches to improving the excellence of care that physicians and health systems provide.

In addition to the featured guest lecturer, the EQuIP office chose to highlight four oral presentations:

  • A Novel Enteral Feeding Program Model Emphasizing Close Communication Between a Registered Dietician (RD) and Interventional Radiology (IR) Improves Complications and Efficiency, *B. Oliver, MD; L. Kerns, RD; G. Carbonella, MD; R.H. Marshall, MD
  • Reduction of CLASBI in the NICU at Children’s Hospital, *M. Knecht, MD; K. Vincent, RN; D. Demma, RN; B. Barkemeyer, MD
  • UMCNO Performance Improvement Project: Surgical Site Infection Prevention for Abdominal Hysterectomy, *S. Holman, MD; E. R. Pruitt, RN
  • Ventilator Associated Pneumonia, Hospital Acquired Conditions Team: 2016 Data Process and Outcomes at Children’s Hospital of New Orleans, *J.B. Gallois, MD; *M. Heath, MD; K. Vincent, RN; C. Mumphrey, MD
Obinna Oko, LSUSOM Student presents his poster to Dr. John Heat

Thirty-four abstracts were also presented as posters, including several collaborative studies combining multiple specialties, clinical sites and institutions. The LSUSOM Office of the Dean graciously sponsors two categories of winner annually,  Best Oral Presentation and Best Poster Presentation, and travel allowance for both victors will be provided if these projects are accepted for presentation at local or national conferences.


Award Winners for Best Oral Presentation: Ventilator Associated Pneumonia, Hospital Acquired Conditions Team: 2016 Data Process and Outcomes and Children’s Hospital of New Orleans, J.B. Gallois, MD; M.H. Hills, MD; K. Vincent, RN; C. Mumphrey, MD

Award Winners for Best Poster Presentation: Compliance with Triage Directions from an Organized State Trauma System Improves Trauma Patient Outcomes, LSU Department of Surgery, J. Giamio, MD; B. Martinez, MD; J.T. Owings MD; J.P. Hunt, MD

Dr. Peter DeBlieux, UMCNO Chief Medical Officer and 2017 QI Forum Judge

The EQuIP office would like to offer special thanks to the diverse group of 2017 QI Forum Judges: Kris Coontz, MD – Internal Medicine House Officer, Tulane University School of Medicine, Peter DeBlieux, MD – Chief Medical Officer, University Medical Center New Orleans, John Heaton, MD – Chief Medical Officer, Children’s Hospital New Orleans, Claude Pirtle, MD-Internal Medicine House Officer, LSU School of Medicine, and Randy Roig, MD – Deputy Associate Chief of Staff for Education, SE Louisiana Veterans Health Care System.

It is with great pride that the EQuIP office and forum highlights the winners of the 2017 QI Forum and the participation and commitment of all involved, who continue to strive to enhance the quality and safety of care provided to patients at our many clinical partner sites.  For more information on the EQuIP program or the 2017 Forum, visit our website at http://www.medschool.lsuhsc.edu/medical_education/graduate/EQuIP/default.aspx.