Student Treatment Policy

The well-being of students, residents, and faculty is a key component of an outstanding learning environment and organizational workplace. One element  antithetical to such an environment is mistreatment.  Student mistreatment has been a concern throughout medical education ever since it was first publicized in the medical literature. (See upcoming Daniel’s Lecture on April 21, 2017)

Every year our graduating class completes a nationwide survey administered by the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC), the Graduating Student Questionnaire, affectionately known as the “GQ.”  It provides an opportunity to compare the results for LSU New Orleans School of Medicine to aggregate data from all medical schools across the country.  The most recent data available, from the 2016 graduating class, can be found here: AAMC 2016 Student Mistreatment Data

As a community, we are working to continually enhance our learning environment including emphasizing respectful, fair, and dignified treatment for all. The Office of Student Affairs has created an ombuds position to allow confidential reporting of any student concerns. Dr. Kourtnie Robin, who recently joined the office as Director of Student Affairs, will  assume this role in addition to her other duties.  Students who have concerns are encouraged to bring them to Dr. Robin, but also to recognize that any reports of mistreatment to any member of the faculty or administration are confidential and  retaliation of any kind is unconditionally not tolerated.

As a reminder, the policy on Student Treatment is as follows:

The Louisiana State University School of Medicine in New Orleans is dedicated to providing its students, residents, faculty, staff, and patients with an environment of respect, dignity, and support. The diverse backgrounds, personalities, and learning needs of individual students must be considered at all times in order to foster appropriate and effective teacher-learner relationships. Honesty, fairness, evenhanded treatment, and respect for students’ feelings are the foundation of establishing an effective learning environment.

Mistreatment and abuse of medical students by faculty, residents, staff, or fellow students are antithetical to the educational objectives of the LSU School of Medicine in New Orleans and will not be tolerated. Mistreatment and abuse include, but are not limited to, berating, belittling, or humiliation; physical punishment or threats; intimidation; sexual harassment; harassment or discrimination based on race, gender, sexual preference, age, religion, physical or learning disabilities; assigning a grade for reasons other than the student’s performance; assigning tasks for punishment or non-educational purposes; requiring the performance of personal services; or failing to give students credit for work they have done.

Complaints based wholly or in part on allegations of sexual harassment, or racial, ethnic, gender, sexual preference, age, disability, or religious discrimination, will be investigated by Human Resource Management, as well as by the Council on Student Professional Conduct (CSPC), as mandated by Federal laws.

Reference: January 26, 1990

Medical Student Abuse Incidence, Severity, and Significance, Henry K. Silver, MD; Anita Duhl Glicken, MSW.JAMA. 1990;263(4):527-532. doi:10.1001/jama.1990.03440040066030