ACCME Releases New Accreditation Requirements

The Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME),  the accrediting organization for continuing medical education providers, recently released new accreditation with commendation requirements for providers.

The new criteria are divided into five categories:

  • promotion of team based education
  • addressing public health priorities
  • enhancing skills
  • demonstrating educational leadership
  • achieving outcomes

LSU CME received accreditation with commendation in March 2016 and will continue to strive for this exemplary status in subsequent years by implementing strategies to achieve compliance with the new commendation criteria.   As planning committees of CME activities meet, changes such as inclusion of the patient perspective is discussed as a learning tool for future CME activities.  Additionally strategic partnerships with healthcare/community organizations to address population health issues are encouraged to achieve commendation.

To view the ACCME’s new accreditation criteria, visit: