Prostate Cancer General Population Family Study

Prostate cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in men. Overall, a man in America has a three percent chance of dying of prostate cancer during his lifetime, and with current statistics a man has a 16 percent chance of being diagnosed with prostate cancer.

Studies examining the incidence and death rate of prostate cancer indicate that there is a strong risk of developing prostate cancer within families. Men who have close relatives with prostate cancer have an increased risk of developing this disease themselves. The recent research suggests that some regions of DNA (the genetic material) that guide our growth and development might undergo changes that give men an increased risk of prostate cancer. Studies show that a man’s risk for the disease increases two to three times compared to the general population if a close relative has had prostate cancer.

The genetic studies to date suggest that multiple genes are involved in prostate cancer susceptibility. Further studies will be required to confirm the nature of these suggested genes or other genes yet unidentified to the occurrence of prostate cancer.

Here at the LSU Health Sciences Center, we are conducting a genetic study of prostate cancer in men with a strong family history of the disease. The purpose of this study is to collect data from high-risk families (where more than one individual has been affected with prostate cancer) and use them to determine whether or not prostate cancer risk in these families is due to genes in the same or different regions than in those already studied. In the future, men may be identified as having the specific risk factor or not. Then, prostate cancer gene carriers could be followed carefully so that any cancers that may develop are found at an early stage, when the cancers are most likely to be curable. Therefore, the information found may be helpful in detecting cancer and developing prevention plans in the future.

You may contact Dr. Diptasri Mandal (e-mail or one of her research associates at (504) 568-4400 for more information. If you feel your family may qualify to participate, you may click on the form below, complete and submit. 

Dr. Diptasri Mandal
Department of Genetics
533 Bolivar Street
New Orleans, LA 70112

Cancer Study Information Form

View article written by Dr. Mandal: "Genetics of Prostate Cancer: Role of Family History"

